
Did your preference in a mate affect your decision to circumcise?

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For those of you who have had or will soon have a baby boy, I am wondering whether your preference for the circumcised or uncircumcised p***s in men affected your decision whether to have your son circumcised. Do any of you have a preference for one way but chose to have your son be the other way? Just curious if there is a connection between decision to circumcise and your preference for the circ or uncirc p***s in a man.




  1. I grew up in the USA and I had never been in contact with an uncircumcised man until I moved to Europe. I used to think being uncircumcised was unnatural, gross, and dirty.

    Wow, was I wrong! My husband is European and uncircumcised and now I know why you shouldn't try to fix something that isn't broken.

    Why would you inflict such pain on your newborn son purely for cosmetic reasons? There are no real medical reasons for circumcisions. People claim it is cleaner, etc. It is just not true. If a boy learns how to properly clean himself in the shower (it takes 2 seconds to pull back the f******n), then there isn't an issue with cleanliness.

    On occasions, there are problems with uncircumcised penises. My husband had a slight problem with his but, they fixed him up with a small snip at the hospital that took a matter of minutes and now everything is fine.

    What I am trying to say is why remove the f******n BEFORE it causes a problem? Chances are that it won't cause a problem and if it does then it can be easily taken care of.

    To me, it is like ALL girls having a double mastectomy because they might develop breast cancer in the future. Cutting off part of your body for no logical reason is crazy.

    If I was a man and my parents circumcised me, I'd be pretty upset. My parents would leave me with a non-naturally functioning p***s because of cosmetic or religious reasons! I don't even know why circumcision is legal anymore. It is barbaric.

    In my opinion, circumcision should be like any other medical procedure...done only for medical reasons when the f******n poses a problem. Until then, all men should remain intact.

  2. I'm not a heartless s****t or a complete fool. That's why I chose not to circumcise.  

  3. Ugh, not you again...

  4. my son isnt done, he is 5 months and im not planning too. my partner isnt done either.

    personally why do people have to change something that there born with, i dont believe in it.

  5. people only think it is common practice - it certainly isn''s also's not natural and not medically necessary....if women were ridiculed becuase they didn't have a part of their body cut off at birth - then there would be a public outcry.

  6. No I wouldn't put my sexual preferences onto my child. If I have a son I will leave them the default way and then they will get to choose.


  7. I prefer a man to be UNcircumcised because it looks much better and it is natural.

    I view circumcision as mutilation and would never circumcise my son.

    I live in the UK though. Circumcision is not that common here and we view infant circumcision as rather weird. It is usually only practiced by Jews and Muslims. The first thing you'd ask a circumcised guy would probably be if he was Jewish.

  8. I can't really say I have a preference because I've only been with circumcised men.  I just used common sense backed by medical evidence and left my boys the way they were meant to be.

  9. my husband and i  decided that because of religious reasons we would have both of our boys circumcised. he is too, but that wasnt part of our decision. also i have heard that it is easier to et infections without, but i know people that have not had it done and dont have any difference than those that do.  i think that it is mostly a personal decision.  hope that helps  

  10. When I had my first son I didn't even question it, I just had him circumcised.  My husband decided to watch and said it was the worst thing he'd ever seen, so when I had my second one we were not going to circumcise.  But then my dad, who was uncircumcised, had major problems and had to be circumcised, it was horrible and he was in a lot of pain.  I did a little research and it does happen a little too often to make me comfortable so I had it done.  I think it should be a personal decision that the parents should make.

  11. well I think circumcision is pretty common nowadays. and I think it's cleaner. and easier to do at birth than later down the road.  

  12. I happen to enjoy uncircumcised penises more, although I've only been with one that was intact. My husband is circumcised and we did get our oldest son cut (although I really didn't want to). However, after much research on the subject I refused to have anymore of our sons cut. We had our second son and he is not cut. I am pregnant with our third and final baby, and this ones a girl (I hope they were right). If I do happen to have a boy he will not be cut either. So, the answer to your question is no.

  13. I'm not a Jew or Muslim, so I have no religious reason to do it. I would only get it done if there was some sort of medical issue that required it. Otherwise, I'll leave well enough alone. I don't believe in unnecessary medical treatments for a number of reasons; the first of which is "if it isn't broken, it doesn't need fixing!"

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