
Did your rates go up?? I was in a Car Accident Today!!?

by Guest45451  |  earlier

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I got into a car accident this afternoon. I pulled into a median trying to make a left turn on a busy street, and I checked my blind spot twice by turning my head to look. both times there were no cars, so after the last check I started to go into the street. Halfway into the street a car comes and we hit each other! Of course the cops put me at fault because it looks like my car hit theirs. It really sucks, and this is the first time I've ever been in accident. My daughter was in the car, but my car wasn't hurt too bad. The front passenger corner around the headlight and bumper got a little damaged, but not too bad. The other person's car needs some work done, but it wasn't terrible. Anyway, they called the cops, he wrote up a report and now I have to call my insurance company to file a claim. They're not opened till Monday, so I have to wait until then.

My questions are has anyone been in a car accident where they were at fault and had to have their insurance pay? How muc




  1. 1. It may not go up at all............

    2. Many auto insurance companies follow the Insurance Services Office's (ISO) standard of increasing a premium by 20 to 40 percent of the insurer's base rate (not your current rate).

    A base rate is the average amount of claims paid plus the insurance company's claims-processing fee.

    According to the ISO, for multicar policies the surcharge is 20 percent of the base rate, and for single-car policies it is 40 percent.

  2. If you have been insured with the same company for a long time and had no accidents prior to this,  depending on the company you are insured by - your rates might not increase.  Some companies reward drivers who have not had any accidents with a feature that is called by a variety of names.  My company calls it first accident forgiveness.

  3. First,  and most importantly,   thank GOD no one is injured.

    Call your agent or company Monday.   If you have a police report number,  offer it.     Give all the info you have on the other driver also.   They can advise you on the procedure you need to follow to get your car fixed.    

    Do not offer to repair the other car or admit fault.    Let the insurance company handle them,   they have lawyers for this.    

    Your rates may or may not go up,  depends on prior claims and the insurance company.   If they wish to increase rates,   that is a good time to shop around.

  4. If you are found at fault, your rates will go up, regardless of who you think was at fault.  The guy is going to put in a claim to your insurance company in order to get his car fixed.

    You will have to pay your deductible in order to get your car fixed (usually $500, but check your policy).  If your car is still drivable, but dented - it is best to just live with the dent.

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