
Did your stretch marks ever get better.?

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what was your experience with stretch marks..did they lighten over time? are they still noticeable? did you use something to help lighten them? how long did it take?




  1. I have horrible stretch marks, and they do get lighter over time. They normally get to be about a silver color. No nothing you can buy will work. I have tried just about everything there is out there. With my first child it took about a year to lighten up and my second baby is 11 1/2 months old and they haven't lightened yet.  

  2. Mine didn't! My son is almost 3 and I weigh less now than when I got pregnant, but my stomach still looks like a deflated balloon. And I do 600 sit-ups a day and I'm vegan. Wtf?! Good luck with yours, and I'm not being sarcastic, seriously, good luck.

  3. They do get lighter... actually mine are lighter than my regular skin (just a tad) it took about 6 months or so, maybe a little less. I didn't use anything on them.

  4. hm mine did get lighter. i think you should use cocoa butter to relieve it.

  5. Ya after about 1 yr. they are lighter, they are still there and noticeable but not so bad!

  6. my cousin got them REALLY bad she was 110lbs before preg and got up to 193lbs at the end but she gained more than half in her 2nd trimester. but she uses makeup its waterproof and it covers them

    its called smart cover

    go to google and google it.

    she now uses trilastin

    google that. it really works.

    this website has trilastin

  7. It takes time but yes they do get better!

  8. Well when you first get them they are purple color. after time they turn lighter to the color of your skin but are still noticeable. I don't think you can get them totally gone unless you have surgery. took about the first year for them to go away

  9. it takes a LONG time but after a while they lighten  up and go away with lotion

  10. During pregnancy I used Palmers Coco Butter on my tummy beginning at month 2 to delivery and on.

    I ended up getting stretch marks on my hips because I never used the cream there. They came pretty much overnight a week before I gave birth (38 weeks) I havent used anything on them and they have faded quite a bit. Some have even turned white and it has been 4 months since I gave birth. I am planning on trying "Bio Oil" which I have only heard good things about. If you are looking to fade stretch marks I would try using it too

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