
Did your teacher ever ask you what you wanted to do when you grew up?

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8)A teacher is asking the children in class about their ambitions in life and to tell the class in a rhyme..The class favourite puts up his hand, Miss,

"My name is Dan,and when I'm a man,I would like to go to China and Japan".. "Very good Dan" comments the teacher. "Miss" cries out the class beauty,"My name is Mary Grady,When I become a lady,I would like to have a baby,Maybe".. Very good Mary..anyone else? The wee Govan Terror at the back of the class stands up "Haw Miss,My name is also Dan, bugger China and Japan,If Mary Grady wants a baby......Dan's yir bliddy man!!!




  1. You did it again Suzie! Thank you. When hubby comes back I am going to read this to him. When I started reading your posts to him he comes in and ask, 'what did Suzie say today?' He never talks on the Internet.  He is much too serious about everything, poor man. Poppy

  2. Remember advice for volunteering in the army...I guess that advice doesn't hold true in school.

  3. No, but one told me I would end up on the street begging for coins. I have done very well in spite of her. LOL  

  4. Ha,Ha, HA................

  5. funny

  6. Ha ha ha ha very funny.

  7. my teachers never had time they were too busy sending me to the office.

  8. Ha ha very good, Govan aint my neighbourhood.

  9. Thanks Again Suzy!!!  You make my day!!


  10. When I was in school many of the teachers were just a few years older than we were.  They were not grown up yet.

  11. It sounds like Dan knows just what he wants to do!  Chuckles!

  12. Yell and I still am thinking what to tell her


    And I think I was ask that question back in 1964


    Don't rush me I got to think about this one a little more


  13. No they did not. But they did ask whether I was going to grow up. Luckily I never did.

  14. A good 'un.

  15. It's a real cute one.Who knows what will happen in the future. Maybe Dzn's the one.  LOL


  16. Dan must be 'Little Johnny's' brother. lol cute one Suzie!

  17. Very cute Suzie - have a star - thanks for the chuckle!    CJ

  18. No, they didn't ask.  There was a sort of expectation we would marry, never have to go out to work and have staff to do all the menial stuff.  Cookery classes?  Needlework classes?  Sure we'd have someone to "do all that" for us.  It didn't sound very appealing, and I'm glad the reality was different.

  19. aye, but times change

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