
Didn't Ernest Hemingway live in Rome for a while?

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I'm thinking he did, but I'm not for sure. If he did, can you see the place where he stayed? Even if it's just the outside...




  1. Well...if you believe travel guides, Hemingway spend quite a bit of time as a guest at the Hotel Eden in Rome. There are also hotels and bars named after him in Rome and Florence...although that's not proof he was there.

    He did spend more time in the north of Italy during his tour of duty during World War I -- and he made Harry's Bar in Venice famous. His book, "A Farwell to Arms" is the based on his own love story with a nurse he met in Italy during this time.

  2. no... hemingway didn't live in Rome for a 1917 he moved from New York in Europe, in paris.

    later,  he moved to MILANO, the second important city in italia. It is in the north of the country.

    later he moved to a place near venice.

    He never visited rome. Never!

    sorry form my english...I'm italian.

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