
Didn't God know that earth is going to die soon????

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The question is simple. God created man on Earth. Earth is going to be "eaten" by the sun (the sun is going to become a red giant) within some thousands of years from today. Why did someone like God do something like that? We'll have to jump from solar system to solar system to survive. Why?




  1. Why do we make children when we know that they'll eventually suffer from various diseases, that they might be raped, mutilated, murdered, killed in car crashes, disappointed in this world to the point of committing suicide? WE are merciless gods.

    By the way, the sun is going to last more than you think.

    Here's your answer: hope dies last.  

  2. That is the most confused question I have come across in a long time. If you believe that a God created man on Earth, you should be living in a state of suspended disbelief. So how can a coldly (and atheistic) scientific factoid - like the sun  'eating' the Earth -  bother you?????

  3. The Earth isn't alive, dumbassss! God can do whatever he wants, so deal with it!

  4. And this is philosophy? How?

  5. Human guessing is not what God knows..He knows that humanity guessing.  

  6. Why ask why ... you are reading to much into the end of the world.  By the time that happens the world will already be barren and a wasteland and there will be few if any humans.  Humans will have evolved into something better anyways -- you know evolution.

    If it took the sun BILLIONS not THOUSANDS of years to get where it is today then it will be like that for at least another million if not another billion years from today.  Who is to say humans have not jumped to another planet and long messed that one up as well.

  7. thats kinda like saying why do good people get murdered and bad people worshiped. Jesus well probally come back to  us before that ever happens.  

  8. First off the solar system and earth has been around longer then man, and man created god, not the other way around..  And will continue to be around, and I don't see how the sun is supposed to eat earth?

    So magically the earth is going to pop out of orbit and go racing to the sun, gotta love inertia.

  9. There is no God. There never has been a God. This is just fantasy made up by people who knew that they would be able to control people through fear and you are falling for it.

    - If God cared so much that he put us here, why would he let us hurt each other and leave innocent people hurting while guilty ones just keep spreading their hate? You are somebody's puppet and you have no idea who it is. Great for master since you'll never care to find him.

  10. What are you reading?  What is the foundation of this theory?

  11. Assuming your scenario is true, here are some answers:

    We're just another fly on a speck of rock, so what?

    It's a test to make us stronger.

    By that time, we'll have evolved a different sort of consciousness that isn't bound by physical bodies.

    Physical existence is only an illusion; the union of one's soul with the cosmic oneness makes all material limitations meaningless.

    And of course the Slayer solution:

    God hates us all.

  12. I think that he'll save us long before it blows up. Or it might not blow up at all. God makes the calls, we can only predict what might happen and we might no even be right.

  13. First, the sun, based upon observations made of similar suns, is expected to last for more than four BILLION more years.

    Second, there has never been any evidence found to indicate that any supernatural creature created anything or even exists at all.

  14. Wait, haha are you blaming the creator or the common man who calls himself "god"???

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