
Didn't Hitler receive funding from Bush?

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Did you guys know about this?

Prescott Bush (Dubya's grandfather) was brought up on charges of trading with the enemy in WWII for helping to fund Hitler?

That means 3 generations of Bush's have funded and armed America's enemies...

1. Hitler

2. Hussein

3. Bin Laden

Do you see a trend? Kind of a sick one?




  1. Yes, Bush had his foreign investments confiscated for "Aiding and Abetting The Enemy" but well placed friends gave back his investments after WWII.

    Actually, though it was Ronald Reagan who armed Hussein, remember the Iran-Contra Scandal.  But we had no choice, it was either let the fundamentalist Aiatollah in Iran defeat Hussein's secular government and take over Iraq or help Hussein.

    When Iraq began to win the war Reagan's administration secretly, without Congress knowing, funded the shipment of arms to Iran through drug and weapon sales to the Contras.  Reagan said, The best end to this conflict will be a stalemate."  Well, that's what they say, Chief Justice Renquist stopped the justice department's enquiry into the whole affair, citeing 'national security'.

    The Bush-Bin Laden friendship is long and complicated.  Osama Bin Laden's favorite brother, a former 'W' Bush business partner, died in a 'freak accident' in a Texas cow pasture. hummm?

  2. Interesting.

    All of them are actually true... it doesn't seem like it's possible but it is.

    Bush and his cronies are sick twisted men.

    Snowbuf: Your absolutely right. Scary isn't it?

  3. Yes, I like to share this information with people so they can see the light.

    What amazes me is how easy it is to come across this information, and the best retort the Bush-supporters can muster is to call you a name.

    Truth does not fear investigation.

  4. Yes - simply put, if Grandpappy Bush hadn't funded Hitler:

    1.  He probably wouldn't have been able to sieze power in the first place.

    2.  He wouldn't have had the additives, fuel, oil or armaments ability to subject London to the Blitz...

    These amoral international banker types have always played both sides, which makes war an extremely profitable business for them... they deliberately spun out Vietnam to optimise their profits (again from both sides!).

  5. Yes I knew.

    What angers me most is how it came to be that we, the people, elected two presidents from the Bush crime family.

    Where was the media during those election campaigns?   It certainly wasn't on the side of the voters.

  6. Not surprising. Bush family, Carlisle Group, Haliburton, Lockheed, all in bed with the so-called enemy...  There's a book called "House of Bush, House of Said (sah-yeed)" - if you can find it, read it!

  7. 1 share is not much funding. Politics as usual. While I have disdain for Bush et. al., this is lame.


  9. Yes, he did. And that's just the wikipedia page... I suspect that the whole truth is vastly worse.

    I also have an internal memo from I.G. Farben that explains why, without the help of Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the n**i War machine would have had virtually no air force. Pretty interesting stuff... you can read it here:

  10. Even WORSE, ... three generations earlier, his ancester was King George's BUTLER!! Beat THAT!

  11. You d**n right bro......

    A star from me to you... im number 8.

    The Bush scum is n**i filth......


  12. I heard this also. I believe if you go back a few more generations, you'll find that a Bush suppied sold infomation to Benedict Arnold. Hey, its the free enterprise system.

    Seriously, Karl Rove's grandfather allegedly designed the mass-murder machines in Germany in the 1930's.

  13. Below is a quote from the book---The Family by Kitty Kelley:

    "If Prescott Bush were alive today" said John Loftus in 2002,"I would move to have him indicted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war"

    Loftus asserted that, as the managing investment partner of his firm, Prescott Bush benefited illegally,immorally, and unfairly from the fees of a n**i-connected company that was later seized by the U.S. Office of Alien Property.

  14. OK,international banks,creditunions,oilcompanies,and others make business,they make money,regardless,who´s the bad and who´s the good.

    But the war was started by that jerk,called hitler.And the camps,where millions of innocent people were murdered,were operated by hitler´s buddies.The book "MeinKampf" was written by hitler,when he served time in jail,LONG BEFORE he had got a f*cking dime from Prescott Bush or elsewhere.If more people in Germany had read this book before electing the n***s into German Parliament,...

    but you can´t turn back time.

    There would be much more to say,but the space here won´t last.Last question:Who is responsible for the death of a victim?The killer,or the salesman,who sold him the gun?

  15. That is very interesting.  Does it perhaps also say something about the nature of that kind of power?

  16. And the Clintons support communism also..   and your point is?  there are two US presidents that were not Rothchild's, in the last 60 yrs,   Kennedy and Reagan..  we all know what happened to them.   They just didnt succeed with Reagan.

  17. A large part of the Bush family wealth came from supplying raw materials and credit to Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich. Prescott Bush, the president’s grandfather, had several business operations he managed seized by the US government during World War II under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The Bush family is very familiar with doing business with the enemy.

    Prescott Bush was  a Wall Street executive banker with Brown Brothers/Harriman, one of the key financiers of the n**i's.  Brown Brothers/Harriman interests in New York were seized, these assets included:  Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (for Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman); Holland-American Trading Corporation (with Harriman); Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (with Harriman); Silesian-American Corporation (Partially owned by Germans who attempted to takeover the company, in response the U.S. government seized German owned minority shares leaving the U.S. partners to carry on the business.)

    Manuscripts proving Prescott Bush's n**i ties can be found in the National Archives and the Library of Congress documenting the business relationship between W. Averell Harriman, George Herbert Walker, and Prescott Bush, who served as U.S. partners of, and private bankers for, n**i industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the financial architect of The Third Reich.

    An article from [of all places =) ] detailing Prescott Bush's ties to Hitler.,2933,1004...

    Salem bin Laden, Osama’s older brother, was an investor in Arbusto Energy, the Texas oil company started by George W. Bush. Beginning in 1978, George W. Bush set up a series of limited partnerships with Arbusto ’78, Arbusto ’79, and so on, to drill for oil.

    The Bush-controlled oil business eventually ended up being folded into Harken Energy Corp., a Dallas-based corporation. Bush joined Harken as a director in 1986 and was given 212,000 shares of Harken stock which he sold in 1990 and paid off the loan he'd taken to buy his share of the Texas Rangers. Shortly after Bush sold his stock, Harken’s fortunes nose-dived when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Some critics claim young George was tipped off in advance by his father about the soon-coming Gulf War.

    One of president Bush's Saudi connections, Saudi banker Khaled bin Mahfouz. Known in Arab circles as the “king’s treasurer," finances (one of many) Bin Laden's "terror network."

    Very interesting article (  Questions Linger About Bushes and BCCI)

    Edit: Lee H. gave an interesting answer to a similar question a couple of weeks ago:;...

    Edit: Second paragraph

    jossip1: You make a interesting observation, but I think  ONE the things that angers people the most is the hypocrisy of it all. People have been imprisoned for questioning the number of Holocaust victims (not that there were victims, just the number of victims), yet the fact that the Bush family has ties to the funding of those atrocities fails to cause national outrage.

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