
Didn't I tell you guys we need to stay out of Russia's business?

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And all I kept hearing was a bunch of silliness like, well Georgia is our ally and Russia is a bully blah blah blah... RUSSIA IS NOT IRAQ!

Bush may be stupid but he aint that stupid. Just like we backed down here we will back down on the whole missile defense c**p in Poland because we know the Russians aint having that c**p.




  1. The Georgia/Poland crisis is similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis, except the roles are changed.

  2. This is the last question I ask, because yahoo answers is GOP based???

    When I typed in a simple question using the words......... "barak mccain and pelosi and mccain........

    It picked up two spell checks. Nowhere did it have "barack or pelosi in the dictionary...It did however have have McCain.......two letters it spell checked in one time. But two names, 14 letters and only advice on words that had no beairng to Barack or Pelsosi. NO capitalizatin like John McSame......and I misspelled barack's name because i was in hurry and no re-spell or capital B.....and my last name starts with a B!!

    when i hit continue, and back accidently, it deleted the entire post.

    when i finally got the whole post up, and hit submit, it asked me for the same exact spell checks on these political names...and then gave me choices of posting THIS in the following

    Family & Relationships > Singles & Dating

    Family & Relationships > Family

    Family & Relationships > Marriage & Divorce

    Family & Relationships > General - Family & Relationships

    Pregnancy & Parenting > Grade-Schooler

    umm, no i used the two presidential candidates names, after corrected spelling, and you still don't see the election correlation......i am not blatantly and obviously supporting the GOP by loggin in.


    mccain = ww3

    we are all one

    not a conspiricy theorist, but this placed is bugged

    1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.  

  3. Yes couldn't agree more.

    Ever since the USSR was dissolved the US has been provoking and disrespecting Russia, undermining their interests and refusing real alliances that were on the table at one point. Early after the cold war Russia wanted to become a member of NATO themselves but Washington soon made it very clear that wasn't an option. Ever since the US kept treating Russia as a second class country and most of all as a competitor and certainly not a friend. That Russia finally had enough of that arrogant American attitude is only logical. In the conflict with Georgia Russia protected Russians after Georgia attacked them. Russia send a clear message their influence is the region will not be marginalized without a fight. Georgia killed 2000 innocent civilians and at least ten Russian peace keepers before the Russians reacted.

    "We Americans consider the Monroe Doctrine – no foreign power is to come into our hemisphere – to be holy writ. Why, then, can we not understand why Russia might react angrily to our interference in her politics or the politics of former Russian republics?

    The effect of U.S. expansion of NATO deep into Eastern Europe, U.S. interference in the politics of the former Soviet republics, and U.S. siting of military bases in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia has been to unite Russia and China, and undo the diplomacy of several successive U.S. presidents.

    How has this made us more secure?

    If we don't want these people in our backyard, what are we doing in theirs? If we don't stop behaving like the British Empire, we will end up like the British Empire. " Pat Buchanan warned in 2006. The Neocon cabal should have payed attention.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Washington has followed a policy of systematically encroaching on former Soviet territory to establish a string of military bases and governments friendly to the US. The purpose of this policy was to undermine the influence of Russia in the energy-rich regions of central Asia, while seeking to divide and weaken Europe.

    The consequences of Washington’s intervention in the former Soviet bloc have included the installation of a number of authoritarian regimes which lack any genuine broad popular base such as those of Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia and Viktor Yushchenko in the Ukraine, as well as the regime in Poland. The most common characteristics of these administrations are rabid anti-communism, national chauvinism, contempt for genuine democratic processes and an unwavering adherence to the precepts of the free market.

    Such regimes are inherently unstable, both internally and in relation to their neighbours. Now, the US administration has agreed to install a new weapons system in Poland directed against its biggest neighbour, while at the same time guaranteeing to come to the military assistance of the Polish government when necessary. This is a recipe for new conflict and war. Nothing could more clearly express the utter recklessness of US foreign policy.

    Russia’s intervention over the past two decades in the states of the former Soviet Union - as in its brutal war in Chechnya — have been of a reactionary character and should be condemned, but there cannot be the least doubt that the main power intent on establishing new power blocs and spheres of influence in the region is the US.

  4. Fascist Russia needs to learn how to behave in the civilized world or they will end up imploding like the last time but this time the west will not bail them out.  

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