
Didn't Live Earth just fill you with love and make you want to do all you can to save our planet ?

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Didn't Live Earth just fill you with love and make you want to do all you can to save our planet ?




  1. No...not really.

  2. It made me want to go burn my trash, drive around aimlessly, and then come home and dump gasoline all around my flower beds edges.

  3. ...Made me wonder what happened to that bong I lost 30 years ago...

  4. I'm just glad it's over. I have XM radio, and they had it playing on just about every fricken rock channel. They even made a new channel for the day, "the sounds of Earth" which was, and I kid you not, the sounds of waves crashing on the beach, and crickets chirping. Who in the h**l is going to listen to that??

    But then I'd rather hear crickets chirping than listen to some ignorant high school drop out rock star lecture me about what I consume and how horrible capitalism is.

  5. It dad no good or bad effect on me or my opinions

  6. now, now,...according to al gore, this is just the beginning..part of a three year "plan". he said he intends on shoving this down our throats by every means possible. what get's me about all this is, why? when has ANY issue been deemed so crucial in terms of "getting everyone on-board"? they say it's because we all must do our part, as individual stewards of the planet, etc...but is that really the reason why we need to get "on-board"? i don't think so. i propose that what it is that they are attempting to do is going to be such burden on the United States, that unless we think we are going to drown like rats, we would be unwilling to go to the lengths that they intend to go to..secondly, if the whole lot of us  have a "consensus", when it is learned that algores "facts" were mistakes, and not true at all, he will not be alone in defending the mistake of ruining our economy on junk science, we will have to admit that we were all hoodwinked by the hysteria and we're all guilty of being ignorant....but hey, least phillips sold a bunch of light bulbs, that's good for America...unless you consider the dangers of the mercury in those very careful with those things, mercury is a very dangerous element and causes permenant dementia if you come into contact with it...

  7. Not really ! It was a good show, don't get me wrong. Just think how much energy was wasted at the venues that were used. Also , did you notice all the plastic containers being used in the crowds ? Wonder what will happen to all the money it generated ?

  8. YES!!!!!  Now I want to get into a bigger house and spend $1200 a month in utilities just like Al "go green and save the planet" Gore!!

    (Did the sarcasm come through clear enough?)

  9. No.

  10. No, but planting a tree or setting up a birdhouse is more of my style.

  11. h**l NO I did not tune it in and would never so AL Bore can get richer on my dime. And I want global warming to get rid of the blue states.

    All of you on the left are idiots.

  12. What's Live Earth?

    I knew what it was. But anyway, No.

  13. I sure feel sorry for all you right-wingers that are filled with so much hate. What a life you must life without compassion and love for the people of the earth and the earth itself. Where has Jesus failed you that your are filled with so much hate instead of love? Or have you failed Jesus?

  14. YES!!

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