
Didn't McCain meet Sarah Palin back when she was a "Pole Dancer" at the Fantasy Club in Anchorage?

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If Sarah gets into the White House, do you think John will have a Dancing Pole installed for her, in the Oval Office?




  1. Well, now that`s terrific (not). A pole dancer in the Whitehouse? Where on earth did you get that tid-bit?

  2. Oh, yeah, let's see some more of that "respect for women" the Far Left is so famous for.

  3. There are no pole dancers in Anchorage.  Maybe icicle dancers.  The day I landed in Anchorage it was 40 below.  One day it warmed up to zero.

    I spent six weeks in that ice box.  The Captain Cook Hotel was well insulated.  I only saw about one hour of daylight per day.

  4. No.  

  5. You sir must be an Obama supporter not to mention a complete A** Which go hand in hand.

  6. no no no, your thinking of Bill and John.

  7. Can u say "idiotic"?

  8. And the issues are what?  What a genuine liberal  democrat you are!

  9. Truth is --- McCain had only met the lady once.  

  10. I'm sorry but it was Barry who met Michelle while He was pole dancing at Rev. Wrights church in Chicago.  

    You should check your facts before posting things.  

  11. No

  12. Keep it up. We love to see how you have nothing more intelligent to say than that. I enjoy watching liberals make complete hypocrites of themselves.

  13. I don't think either of them would troll around such a place. You probably just served drinks to people you thought were them.

  14. Yeah...McCain emptied his wallet into her panties because he kept forgetting he put money inside. At least he still has his AARP card.

  15. Maybe she reminded him of his old girlfriend "Marie, the Flame of Miami" ! (the one before his first model wife, Carol)


    OBAMA 08 b*****s

  17. You are a first class moron.

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