
Didn't Mccain say Obama was Inexperienced?

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Just a Question that's not for or against either party here, just curious that if he did say this, Then What would be his reasoning for Picking Palin for V.P. if she is "inexperinced?" even if she is good, just the fact that she has so little years behind her? And if McCain kicks the bucket so to speak, We still get an inexperienced President.

Not saying Palin is Bad, just that In my opinion, He maby should have picked somone who wasn't still wet behind the ears.

She Talks a Good Talk, now to see if she can Walk It Out<




  1. last time i checked palin was running for vp,not president,the unqualified democrat is at the top,thats what people vote for.

  2. Palin tries to say that her few years of executive experience is better than Obama&#039;s years of nonexecutive experience.  But in my opinion, that doesn&#039;t help either.  Running Alaska or her town is nothing like running America.  There is nothing that prepares anyone more for president or vice-president.

  3. I think she was a strategic pick designed to attracted disgruntled Hillary supporters.  

  4. You are 150% correct. =]

  5. Exactly--*he* brought up the inexperience argument *first*. So now it is totally fair to apply it to his judgement..or lack of....

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