
Didn't finish college and lost grants?

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I went to college for medical assisting but was unable to do my externship. Because I didn't finish, I lost part of my federal grants and now it's in collections because nobody ever told me. The school says I can come back and do my externship still, but I will still owe the money. Does anyone know if I can get my grants back if I finish or is it too late?




  1. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I doubt it. When I went to school, I withdrew from some classes and had an overpayment of like 200$ and they wouldn't give me a penny until I paid it back and then they STILL took all my aid a year later, but I appealed and got it back. Anyways, it's hard getting grants back. Because from their point of view, they gave you free money and  you didn't make the most of it so why should they give it back to you? I would call the Dept of ED and set up a payment plan to pay back that money, and then you should be elgible for financial aid again, including grants. Good luck with school!

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