
Didn't make Varsity team, other freshman did-should I question coach?

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At the end of school year, Varsity coach told all freshmen that he would not be brining up any freshman to varsity yet he brought 1 player who is not as good as at least 3 other freshmen-2 play on SuperY team.. Do I question the coach about him going back on word and why he chose this 1 freshman?




  1. Maybe a few of you should. Not just you by yourself. The coach may mark you as a trouble maker. But if he sees other freshman want to know might be better. Good Luck

  2. dude, soccer has so much politics in it!  Same happened at my high school and my friends.  This girl probably had connections somehow.... and its ridiculous.  I would talk to him.  Just be like 'i was just wondering why you moved her up because i want to make varsity too' and then he'll be like "well she was in good shape in terms of the fitness " or whatever .... but wow ... he invited her to superY too?  that is a little wierd.  maybe she asked him if she could just practice with the team or something.... not play in the games... i have no idea.  talk to him, for sure.  

  3. What do you hope to gain by talking to him? Do you think he'll send her to JV? Do you think you'll convince him to bring you up to Varsity?

    He's the coach and regardless of how you feel about his decision you have a accept and respect it. We've all been in this kind of position. As much as it sucks, you can't change it. The only thing you can do is prove to the coach that he made the wrong decision. Be the first one to practice and the last one to leave. Take every practice, scrimmage, and game seriously. Push yourself on and off the field. Show him what an amazing player you are and how the team can benefit from your skills.

    If you really need to talk to him, don't be a baby about it and do it by yourself. This isn't about anyone but you. If you want a real answer, you need a 1-on-1 conversation with Coach. Whining, crying, and bringing a buddy will only prove to him that you aren't mature enough for Varsity. Also, instead of saying something like "Why did YOU go back on YOUr word?" and "YOU're not treating everyone fairly", start your sentences with "I". "I am disappointed that I didn't make Varsity. What could I have done differently?" or "I felt like I was ready to move up to Varsity. What can I do to prove that?". See the difference? If you use "I" instead of "you" Coach will be more likely to listen to what you have to say and more likely to fully answer your questions. Just remember that this time next year you'll (in all likelihood) be on Varsity. Don't alienate Coach -- you're going to want to be on good terms with him next year!

    Good luck!

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