I sent out save the dates to everyone 5 months before my wedding in december. Since me and my husband married 2 1/2 years ago (before deploying to iraq) and now that he's home, live together, we have everything we need. I've been living on my own, and now with him home, for the 2 1/2 years of our marriage so I didn't find a reason to create a registry.
At the bottom of the save-the-dates, i wrote..
"The Bride and Groom will not be registering anywhere because they are blessed to have everything they need with each other"
I figured this would give a hint that I don't want gifts, but money. The family knows were in college and whatnot...
one of my bridesmaids called and said "i know ur save the date said no gifts, but i found a perfect one for you!" and i had to explain "it's not that i don't want gifts, just that i don't need things for our place- i haev enough c**p, i just want cash but didn't find it appropriate or proper to write cash only"
so now i'm thinking......... will guests know to give $$$? would YOU know?