
Didn't the Bible warn us about the "Tower of Babel?" Isn't that exactly what we are doing with globalization?

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I really want an answer to this question to clarify what is currently happening in the world.

Thanks for answering.




  1. A sweat question with a sour answer.

    N O

    First, do you want a Jewish Version, A Christian version or the Islamic Version as all three are descendants off the Abrahamic Religion.

    The unfinished tower, a part sank into the earth, a part was consumed by fire and only one-third of it remained standing yet Whoever passes it forgets all he knows. Hebrew being reserved for Isrealites or so it states.

    With this in mind, Creationism evolved into Intellectual design aimed at Philosophical methods hoping to undermine theistic science with the purpose of discrediting the evolutionary purpose of life.

    ** Here is the missing link for mankind - {Those who had spoken, "Let us ascend into the heavens, set up our idols, and pay worship unto them there," God transformed into Apes & Phantoms.} - so much for TC.....

  2. The bible also warns about drinking milk with meat and tying an ox to a mule. It even warns not to mix different fabrics. My favorite is that if your husband dies, you're supposed to sleep with his brother. If his brother refuses, you are supposed to take his brother before the town elders and ask them to insist. If he still refuses, you're supposed to take off his shoe, spit in his face, and forever more his house will be known as the house of the unshoed one.

    All of these stories come from someplace, but they are all to be taken with a grain of salt. My point here is, don't believe everything you read and there are better sources on globalization than a book written during tribal times. Let me ask you about globalization, what do you think about it? I think its great if done well and horrible if done poorly and there are aspects that have gone and continue to go both ways.

  3. Not really.  If you read the tale, you understand that it wasn't the united world that was at issue with God.  It's was human arrogance that they thought they were equal to God that created the issue.  The disunity was the punishment for our arrogance.

  4. No, because the Bible was written by people and the stories have been told over and over and over again, so much so, that the stories are nothing but myths and fables. They're too far-fetched and the stories are nothing but made up.

    Research the "Bible" and research "Evolution".

    The Bible is a joke.

  5. You are barking up the correct tree. Here's a video to help you out...

  6. Ignoring the fact that the Bible is just a collection of mythological folktales created by illiterate goat herders, globalization does the exact opposite of the point of the Babel fable - it is moving to toward greater uniformity in language and culture.

  7. First, stop trying to apply middle eastern fairytales to reality.  You'll just drive yourself crazy.  What is happening in the world is that people are realizing that the superstitions of the past need to be put in there proper place: the dustbin of history.

  8. Well these people only say they believe in God, but they don't show it or live by it.  They want to do their own thing because it is what is good for them. Yet they will say I believe in God, yeah well how about you show it. I'm sure none of them know what the tower of babel is or about the whole meaning of it.

  9. I don't think the story of the Tower of Babel has much to do with globalization.  The Tower of Babel is merely a parable to explain why people speak so many different languages.  Also, globalization is concerned about better managing worldwide conflicts, not trying to build a tower, bridge, or anything to connect to Heaven.

  10. uh oh you mentioned the bible, get ready for a couple thousands liberal posts calling you a hate monger and shouting "SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE"  

  11. No I do not believe the two are compatible

    How does globalization equate with hubris?

  12. My friend, inner-action between different languages effect less than 5% of the world population. The other 95% will never travel to other countries, never learn to all speak the same language.

    Globalization helps the rich become richer. Everyone else pretty much stays the same. So, no, it's not nearly like the Christan warning based on God's example from the Tower Of Babel.

  13. Well, the bible lies.

  14. No.  The world is a VERY different place than it was 2,000 years ago.

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