
Didn't this attack come just days after a Jewish Rabbi announced on state television a program to keep Jewish

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Jewish women from dating Arabic men? This program is taught in Israeli public schools and the video clip with subtitles was on Y news. Perhaps this man felt he and other Arabs (of which Hebrews are a tribe) was being personally targeted again by another state run program.;_ylt=AtP4GeemCtbZcO.XRWFg5yhvaA8F




  1. What a great way to promote friendship between Arabs and Jews by stopping mixed friendships !!! It just goes to show how far the Jewish nation want peace. This guy was probably high on drugs when he did this and there is no excuse for this what so ever

  2. This attack had nothing--NOTHING--to do with what you're talking about.  I had bran cereal for breakfast that day--there's about as much chance of *that* influencing this murderer as there was of the program you mentioned.

    Read the article for yourself--oh never mind, I'll do it for you:

    The former girlfriend...said she did not believe his attack was motivated by extremism. "He really didn't hate Jews. The fact is that he was with me. It's insanity, but the motivation was not nationalist," she told Yediot. ***********"The problem was that he smoked a lot of drugs. Maybe it's because of that."**********

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