
Didn't walk at graduation, and still feel bad?

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Due to some circumstances that ended up being unavoidable, I couldn't be there to walk at my high school graduation. I still got the diploma afterwards, had the graduation party, all of that. Sometimes though it still bothers me, because I feel like it would have made me feel REALLY good to walk, like that was what confirmed it, that was my moment. I know I still graduated, but sometimes it still drags me down...should it? What can I do? Is it really that a big of a deal? People have told me it's absolutely not...but how can I finally shake this?




  1. I know a little how you feel. Like right now I'm taking online classes, rather than going to my high school. I feel a little bad that I can't complete school at a regular high school and that this is my last year and I won't remember it as one of the best times, but I know it's the best choice. I need to do this because I have issues with attending school and I don't have many credits, and online school is helping me get them and graduate on time. If I would've graduated in 2010 I wouldn't have walked across the stage because I also have issues with my family, and they would be there for my step-cousin and not for me. Even though you didn't walk you shouldn't feel bad about it, I'm sure there was a good explanation for it. My mom feels the same way, my brother graduated in 06 and we were recording and right as he went up the stairs the camera went dead. She knows he did it, but she wanted it to be on camera to remember the exact way it happened. Things happen I guess.

  2. if you got a 4 point 0

  3. Honestly, most of the people who said it's not a big deal are probably right. What you have means more. Although there's no clear cut answer on how to shake something like this, walking for graduation was pretty quick for me. It lasted probably 2 seconds and that was it. I always thought about what happened if I never walked across that staged and it could make you feel bad but there's really nothing you can do. Just be proud that you have your diploma. There are other people that don't have that.  

  4. I guess it can seem like a big deal but in reality it isn't. The diploma is really all that matters. It sucks that you couldn't walk with your class, but don't be too upset about it.

    ...and btw it didn't feel really good to walk-I was so dazed and self-conscious and crazy. I guess most kids just took it for granted, myself included

  5. Your graduation is the icing on the cake of your education. It is reasonable that you feel bad concerning the issue of not walking through it.

    However, since you have a legit reason for not shouldn't drag you down. If you want, you can recreate the atmosphere by inviting your former classmates or visit your school to walk in the auditorium with the graduation march (though its empty...)

    They are also people whose only concern is the diploma and not the ceremony and others are vice versa. But you should place more importance on your experiences (with your friends, classmates and teachers) leading to that graduation rather than the ceremony itself. Remember, the graduation is a formality and gives you a sense of fulfillment but it does not take away what you have become and what you achieved.


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