
Didn't your children grow up to fast??

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I cant Believe my daughter is going into the 7th grade! it just hits you in the head...

Hasn't this happened to any of you?




  1. My oldest just moved into his apartment this weekend.

    I was just in his room cleaning what he left.

    I feel like it was just yesterday I was changing his diapers.

    My youngest went to his first day of 12th grade today.

    And the middle son has decided to race sprint cars instead of Go-Karts next year. Sprint cars are very very fast.

    Mine are 17-23.

    Omg, I have to go buy hair dye soon. I can just feel the gray hairs coming in.

  2. My babies just turned 5 months, my elder boys turn 3 next month, and my eldest will be 5 in February.

    It feels like only yesterday I saw my eldest as a baby. :(

  3. oh my yes .I have 3 children and they grew up right in front of my eyes,It seem over night.I have 3 children and a Daughter in law!  When my Son got married,2 yrs ago in Sept I bawled like a baby when we was having our Son and Mother dance,I told him I knew that i had to let go,But was the hardest thing I ever had to do!

  4. yes!

    its so hard to believe that my oldest will be 4 in September, it is so scray because i remember the day i found out that my fiance was pregnant with her and that seems like yesterday!


  5. My babies are 9 now. that scares me how fast it has gone. I wish we could turn back time...:(

  6. I'm going insane - our son is going into Grade 12. Grade 12!!!

    He just got his drivers' license, too!  

  7. My baby girl is starting highschool!!! D= where did the time go. And my oldest is engaged!!!!!!! That means Im getting old!! D= lol.

  8. well baby is in kindergarten and my oldest baby is 9th...ugh.....sniff sniff...where did the time go sniff sniff

  9. Of course I just can't believe my son is going to be 14 months old, he grow so fast! I felt like I just gave him birth few months ago lol.

  10. Yes! My son is 4 and I can't believe the time has gone by that fast! I litterally feel like I gave birth to him not too long ago and to think that he will be in Kindergarten next year and he has his 1st soccer game on Saturday...*sigh*...I feel like that tomoorow I will be taking him to rent a tux and buy flowers for some girlfriend for the prom!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! lol

  11. My daughter is leaving for college on Sunday and yes, of course she has grown up incredibly fast. I think it's just the way it is when you are the parent. We remember their first day(s), we remember being pregnant with them, their first day at kindergarten as if it were last week, and yet for them -- it's their whole life, or at least their whole childhood that is now ending. I think it also has to do with us getting older so quickly and what that means for us as parents and as human beings. I know that my daughter will be doing exactly what I've wanted for her but, for me, an entire chapter of my life is changing and I have no idea what to expect or want!

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