
Dieffenbachia tears???

by  |  earlier

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I have two Dieffenbachia plants. (I know they are poisonous if eaten) Both are healthy and thriving. They have even flowered, and I did not know they did.

From time to time they exude water droplets from the leaves. this does not discolour or damage the leaves at all. They are not over-watered, and are fed once a month with Baby-bio.

I just wondered if any plant experts on here knew why. Or if anyone knows a plant expert they can ask.

I bought them out of B&Q and I know no-one there would know.

Thank you.




  1.  answer quickly please! vvvvvvv

  2.  do dieffenbachia plants have stomata on top & bottom of it's leaves ?

  3. I've been told the crying of the plant is an indication that it is unhappy with it's current situation/environment.
    They do not like to be around other plants.
    I also JUST read on WIKIPEDIA that this plant is NOT likely toxic, although will cause irritation if ingested, just as a Peace Lily would.
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