
Diesel in Mexico is $2.00 per gal. Here it is over $4.09 per gal. Why? Profit, Profit, Gouge, Gouge?

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Diesel in Mexico is $2.00 per gal. Here it is over $4.09 per gal. Why? Profit, Profit, Gouge, Gouge?




  1. Different Tax rates.

    And, different quality levels.

    For example, in South America, you can buy Diesel as well as ACPM.  ACPM is cheaper.  Its also very dirty.  You would really gunk up a modern Diesel engine if you tried to run it on ACPM over the long term.

  2. 4 letters. B-U-S-H. he allows profiteering. which should be a big NO NO.

  3. *Hack*, *cough*, *wheeze* I have no clue, amigo.

  4. because our stupid government is making refiners in this country  remove the sulfur.

  5. but I bet gas is cheaper in the US and in mexico is per liter not per gallon.

  6. also because the value of the US dollar keeps decreasing so much.

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