
Diet & Work Out Help : Needing to Lose a Few Pounds and Some Excess Weight?

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Hi ,

I am just re-joining a gym for the first time in many years . I have pit on an extra few pounds and have around a stone to lose . I am keen to do some Cardio , with some weight training and also address my diet. I am not in anyway trying to become a super body builder. So i have the following questions

1) What foods should i be eating and when ? Does anyone know of some good diets that help with a cardio and a weight program but's goal isnt to make you pile on the muscle ?

2) How much Cardio should i be doing (mins) and how many times per week ? Whats the best machine to do a good cardio work out ?

3) How much and how often should i be doing a weight program ?

Someone told me that you need to burn more calories than you eat ...i can easily minamise my calorie intake down to 1000 a day but is this really an effective way of losing weight ?




  1. You should give this product a shot. It's called Acai Berry and it's new on the market, but already endorsed by people like Oprah! I just ordered a free 14-day trial from this site.. do it today! you won't regret it!

  2. Eat foods with high fiber but low calorie

    And exercise a lot

    That's what experts say!

  3. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  4. Good on you for taking control of your health.

    1) Eat less, fat, salt, processed food, sugar and carbs (don't cut carbs

        out completely)


       Eat more fresh fruit and veg, and lean protein, eg skinless chicken

       & tuna. Eat small meals more often (5times a day),

       (meals about the size of your palm)

       When doing weight training see light weights, the heavier the

       weight   the more muscle you will build.

    2) Cardio 3/4 times a week for more then 30 minutes.  Treadmill /

       Step machine work well.

    3) Do 10 minutes of stretches, 30 - 40 minutes cardio and 30

       minutes weight training 3/4 times a week.

    Lessening calories does work, but ensure you have enough energy to work out.

    Good Luck.

    For more info on health & fitness see the following link.

    P.S you can calculate your BMI and BMR here.


  5. how old are you anyway? Heavy aerobic fitnesses and grains/green/fermented foods I am sure to bring you a new life.

  6. Breakfast: Cereal (not a fatty one) with fruit juice and a banana.

    Lunch: something low fat but filling like rice or pasta (sandwiches are good but butter and mayo and stuff like that are a big no no)

    Dinner: similar to lunch but dont eat too late or you will not be able to sleep

    Also snack during the day, I think popcorn is good because it is not too unhealthy and you dont have to eat too much to be full, as well as lots of fruit and veg.

    As for excercise what i do is do weight training one day and then cardio the next (with Sundays doing nothing). Do lots of squats or dead lifts to build your leg muscles, maybe do squats hold weights. Hold them on ur thighs and just try to do about 20 three times a day. Also lots of crunches for ur abs. Try the plank (rest on ur elbos with ur body stretched out flat and rest on ur toes) a bad explanation i know but it is very good for lots of muscles, so are press ups. For cardio if you belong to a gym then it is easy, running is good. Try this:

    1st week) run for 5 mins, walk for 2 x3

    2nd week) run for 7, walk for 2 x3

    3rd week) run for 10, walk for 1 x3

    4th week) run for 20, walk for 1 x3

    5th week) run for 30 non stop

    After that then start going for long runs or just improve ur time. Hope i helped (please give me best answer!!!!!) xx

    ps. drink alot but not too much so that you pee all the time, and if you get a craving for chocolate or something like that then eat a few chocolate chips one at a time, slowly, you will feel like you ate more than you did, so you wont eat as for me.

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