
Diet about arthritis and high blood pressure?

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Plz let me know a good diet for a person that suffers from arhtritis and high blood pressure who is always sick and cant walk. Do u have any diet or tips with things they have to do? Plz let me know as sson as possible.




  1. A good balanced diet is best for everyone. Keeping a low salt diet for high blood pressure is very important. Reading labels will educate you on the best low sodium foods. Anything that is ready made tends to be high in salt. As far as the arthritis, fruits and vegetables and fish are the best.Also keep moving. The worst thing is to sit around. Start by walking to the end of the block if possible and add to that a little each day. There are also exercises that can be done while lying in bed.Best of luck.

  2. Regular table salt is horrible for you. Its just highly refined sodium chloride leading to all of the well known undesirable side effects. Table salt causes the body to retain water, causing swelling, edema, and cellulite. In my opinion the best salt to use is a natural mineral salt. I have tried many, but the one I have come to like the most is Himalayan Salt. It has almost all of the essential minerals that your body needs and they occur naturally, no added c**p. Here is a link to the website where I get mine. I hope this helps you. I know it has helped me. Many Blessings.

  3. Increase your intake of fatty fishes such as cod, salmon, halibut.......  they are a brilliant source of omega 3 fatty acids, which have antiflammatory properties.

    I'd also suggest you eliminate the nightshades, such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant from your diet as they may aggravate arthritis.

    Take extra vitamin C in a powdered form containing bioflavonoids twice daily as well ......  if you're taking lots of aspirin or the like, you're losing vitamin C.

    Take 2 fish oil (omega 3) capsules morning and night as well.

    Vitamin C will assist in lowering blood pressure, reduce effects of many allergy producing substances, help in decreasing blood cholesterol, bolster your immune system and act as a natural laxative.

    Fish oils will also help lower blood pressure, enhance the immune system, keep hair, skin and nails healthy, level out any moods and stress levels you may have, alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, offer protection against migraines and kidney disease and reduce blood viscosity and help prevent heart attacks and strokes and bolster your immune system.

    Ditch the milk and dairy products too  i say ........ many many people find it extremely hard to digest lactose contained in milk and dairy products.

    Take a calcium & vitamin D3 rich supplement perhaps in a liquid form (easiest to assimilate) to ensure you get all your calcium on a daily basis ..........and pump up your intake of fresh fish such as salmon and tuna and leafy and green vegies & fresh fruits~ the vegies are rich in both calcium and protein and the fish are rich in magnesium (antistress mineral), protein, EFA's~ essential fatty acids which are also fantastic for lowering blood pressure,levelling out any mood or stress levels you may have and bolstering your immunity, calcium and vitamin D (the vitamin D is essential for effective calcium absorption) ........♥

    The calcium found in vegies and fruits has a greater impact on bone health than calcium from dairy products anyways.... a study published in The Americal Journal of clinical nutrition (2002) found that a high intake of vegies and fruits has a positive impact on bone health, but dairy did not.

    Dairy products contain animal proteins, which speed the elimination of calcium from the body and make it more acidic. This can cause calcium to leach from the bones and cause problems with magnesium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health ~ known as the antistress mineral) absorption, leading to osteoporosis. In addition, we absorb only 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, compared to 40 to 70 percent of the calcium found in vegies and fruits.

    pretty disturbing actually when you consider the way the milk and dairy industry pump us with their commercials to drink more milk !!

    Cow's milk contains proteins that are difficult for humans to digest; when these undigested proteins enter the lower digestive system, they putrefy and cause digestive problems. Dairy products encourage the production of excess mucus in the body, burdening the respiratory, digestive and immune systems. Not surprisingly, when you ditch the milk and dairy people more often than not experience markedly fewer colds and sinus & respiratory infections.

    Lactose intolerance can cause acid reflux, alternating bouts of constipation & diahorrea and will also lead to a compromised digestive system thus laying the groundwork for a body which is extremely susceptible to developing nose, throat, sinus, ear, bronchial, bladder and other infections and ailments  as well....... Other symptoms of lactose intolerance are mucous in the stools, bloating and cramping, digestive troubles such as constipation, belching and burping, gassiness and wet f*arting (sorry, no other way to say it), ribbony and stringy shaped bowel movements or rabbit pellet shaped movements are all symptoms of lactose intolerance. ...........

    Please also ensure that whichever supplement you decide to buy doesn't contain any lactose, wheat, yeast, gluten, preservatives or flavorings, sugar or yeast as none of these have any place in a good quality supplement anyways.

    You have only vibrant health & vitality to gain by ditching the milk and dairy products mate ............. i sincerely do wish you the very best of health & vitality ♥

    Drink loads of fresh filtered water on a daily basis too as we need at least 2 litres per day just to maintain aspiration (to breath) .............. High blood pressure can be a side affect of long standing dehydration ...... When you are getting dehydrated your body goes into preservation mode and hangs onto the little bit of water it does have, hence symptoms such as puffy bags under your eyes actually puffiness anywhere in the body is actually a sign of dehydration.

    If you are dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and your body has to work much too hard to cause it to circulate .......... Expecting your digestive system to digest food and transport essential vitamins and nutrients with no water in your system is an extremely huge ask ............ Water is imperative to life. Without water your body will have a terrible time breathing, digesting food, transporting nutrients, lubricating your joint sockets etc.etc.etc.etc......... nothing substitutes for water. your body needs at least 2 - 3 litres of water daily to function efficiently ♥



    peace 2 u

  4. Please find the book Curing with cayenne by Sam Bizer with Dr Schultz.He has healed people of high blood pressure with cayenne pepper.It also has lots of calcium.I also advise people to read about using honey.Recently my Mother went to see a naturapath and she was very weak.The woman told my mom to avoid cold foods ,drink vinegar water ,and eat apples and papaya among other things.She is really getting better.Maybe your freind might benefit by seeing a naturapath.We have used cayenne pepper for high blood presssure as well as garlic in my family for 30 years and my Mom claims it cured her high blood pressure.This person needs to be seen by a doctor if they havent already.If they have with no use try out some of these ideas.The book is really good.

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