
Diet and gym still after 2 weeks gained weight!!?

by  |  earlier

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hi I lost between last year and beginning of these about 13 pounds hit a place didnt loose anymore keep in mind im 26 still overweight I am 156 was 154, in the july and june didnt go to the gym started going back 2 weeks ago diet 1200 calories a day go to the gym 4 times a week burn average of 400 calories a day got a heart rate monitor to measure and after 2 weeks I gain 2 pounds!! dont know what to do




  1. the likely reason behind your recent weight gain is that you would be losing fat but gaining muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Don't be upset if you gain a little bit of weight after going to the gym a lot it is normal for muscles to start getting stronger and therefore bigger which leads to more weight.

    this is my understanding as i am not a professional but i have been in your position before.

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