
Diet coke rumors?

by Guest64464  |  earlier

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I like the taste of diest coke/pepsi vs. regular but everyone always tells me it will either cause cancer or stunt growth. Whats with this? I drink a lot of it, probably 3 or 4 a day.




  1. if they were that bad, they would not be on the shelves.

    there have been researches that showed that artificial sweeteners caused bladder cancer in rats. it is not proven on humans though.

    artificial sweeteners do not give you calories because they are not absorbed in your gut, if absorbed then they are not taken up by your cells to use as energy, they are foreign to your body. our cells do not recognize them. they may cause some intestinal problems like gases when are not absorbed in the gut.

    they also have acids that destroy your teeth enamel.

    some say people have been drinking them for ages. where are those people? are they really healthy? our body can withstand enormous hazards, our protective systems are very good in eliminating bad chemicals. but those systems will  start getting weaker at some point and start failing.

    i say, don't worry too much, eat whatever you want, as long as you won't regret about it later in life.

  2. yep, u can get cancer its from all the chemicals used to dreate most of now adays products, if u drink soda drink the kind that has regular sugar instead of high frutso corn syurp. i had coke-cola from mexico in a glass bottle and it taste way better and really fresh! trust me, btw coke is better then pepis

  3. the roumers come from the chemicals that make it diet. the artificial sugers in it somehow make people think its bad for you but ppl have been drinking it for ages...why worry?

  4. Actually, the sugar replacements found in soft drinks are known to cause cancer in lab rats, and that's only after injecting them with near-lethal doses (around the equivalent of 1200 sodas/day) for several months. No evidence in humans, because no one drinks 1200 sodas per day. Ever. Most things administered in such a high dosage cause cancer, its just manipulation of the statistics. Saccharine and Aspartame are the two in question, the diet coke with splenda is currently suspicion-free.

    Sodas do trigger weight gain, diet or not, so i don't drink them. But I wouldn't be the least bit concerned about cancer.

  5. Neither is true.  Even if it were true, no one could actually drink enough in a lifetime for it to happen.
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