
Diet debate question, vegetarians vs. meat eaters?

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I have decided to cut all red meat and pork out of my diet. I only at seafood and poultry for my meat group. do you think this is healthy or not? many people have critized me for cutting most meats out but i want to be able to prove them wrong. so someone, prove me right or prove me wrong!




  1. I am vegan.  Eating animal products is bad karma and is bad for your body.  You will see immediate results in your life by not eating animal products.  I started out just trying it for 21 days but my attitude and levels of happiness increased so much that I couldn't go back.  God created us to have dominion over animals... not to kill and eat them.  It is cruel and bad on our environment. Meat and dairy provide nothing your body needs that you can't find from other, healthy, sources.  In fact, the protien from meat is a leading cause of cancer.

    Congradulations on your start to live healthier!

  2. i think you made a good choice.when i diet for meat i only eat chicken breast and fish that's it. they are the leanest.

  3. well i know 2 people that have totally cut out eating of meat and they say they feel so much better  

  4. you are neither right or wrong.  I was vegetarian for 5 years and had my ups and downs.  I started as a near vegetarian  (those that eat only some meats.) for 1 year, then I became a lacto-ovo vegetarian (those that eat dairy and eggs) for the other 4 years.

    At first I got sick a lot as I was not eating the right foods and was not getting the right amount of sleep. I actually got to the point where I passed out at work and had to be carried out and had I not woken up as they were picking me up and protested I would have been in the hospital for quite some time.

    Once I figured out what I needed it became second nature to make sure I got enough out of my meals and I became quite healthy as far as avoiding illness that is.

    about a year ago I took on a door to door job that didn't give me much of an option for vegetarian meals so I had to make a choice, stop eating lunch/ dinner and harm my body or start eating meat again.  Since the job I have continued to eat meat only because its cheaper and being a student I have very little income.

    So in conclusion neither is healthier,

  5. as long as you find other ways to get protein (there's more than you think) then meat really isn't good for you anyway.

  6. Whether to eat red meat or not cannot be proven to be wrong or right.

  7. You can eat beef and be perfectly healthy.

    You can eat pork and chicken and be perfectly healthy.

    You can eat veal, babies, fish and shrimp and be perfectly health.

    You can be vegan and perfectly healthy.

    Giving something up doesn't make you healthy and neither does eating every type of food available. It depends on how balanced and well-planned your diet is, not what animals you eat or don't eat.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  8. In my opinion, it is waaaay healthier eating vegetarian because reduced risks for all kinds of diseases.

  9. well i dont eat red meat or pork just because i dont like the taste...i eat chicken, turkey, sometimes beef and i personally think its healthy because theyre lean at a healthy weight

  10. I cannot prove you right or wrong because I don't know you, can't see you, don't know what and how much you eat and what other things that you do or don't do that makes you healthy or unhealthy.

    the question header says "diet debate question, vegetarians vs. meat eaters?" The only thing I can definitely say is that whoever thinks that fish and seafood are a part of vegetarian's diet is wrong. Are the people criticizing you vegetarian or are you saying you are vegetarian? Because if you are, then you are wrong. If they also think you are vegetarian, then all of you are wrong. But only on the definition.

  11. I don't eat beef, pork, veal, mutton, but I do eat lamb, turkey and chicken.

    Poultry is much lighter and therefore healthier. When people are ill, they are given white meat from poultry, because it is not heavy on your stomach.

    Red meat is not good for you longterm. It is very heavy on your digestion.

    Pork is very fattening.

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