
Diet drinks- good, bad or ugly?

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I drink a lot of diet coke- I'm pretty much in love with stuff. I drink about 2-4 cans a day. I'm trying to loose another 2 lbs- is drinking diet drinks going to curb weight loss? I've heard ppl say the sweetners in it actually slow down weight loss. I drink a fair bit of water but probably not enough.

What do you all think?





  1. BAD!

    cut down dramatically on your diet coke habit. It contains artificial sweeteners which are hard on your liver, and basically, anything in excess is bad. Not only is it bad for your body, chemicals in diet coke are supposedly bad for you mentally also. Weight loss is also a complex can of worms, firstly, do you need to loose weight? if you are sure you do, then the only way you will loose weight AND keep it off is to change your eating habits. Eat fresh fruit and veg, plenty of fiber and your daily recommendation of water is 2 liters a day. Exercise will help tone your muscles, give you more energy and mentally stimulate you.

    I think you should save the diet coke for special occasions and treats. You'll appreciate it more and your body will thank you for it. The healthiest substitutes are water and milk. If you dislike the taste of water, you could add a sugar-free cordial or chill it in the fridge. Once you cut down on the coke for a while, you'll stop craving for it so much.

    good luck, and please don't focus on loosing weight! Having a healthy body is much sexier than being skinny

  2. Badd.

    Artificial sweeteners aren't good for you.

    &yeah - it is going to slow down weightloss.

  3. All carbonated drinks leach calcium from your bones, so drinking this much diet coke could actually make you prone to osteoporosis in a few years time.  

    You won't lose weight any quicker as diet coke contains no calories so therefore can't affect weight gain/loss. If you want to lose an extra couple of pounds cut back on the carbohydrates.  

  4. Bad, ugly, terrible, frightening, disgraceful ... I'm not a thesaurus!

    Yes!! Drinking diet drinks doesn't help with weight loss at all.

    Don't even drink 1 can a day, yes it may be "diet" but in theory it is no better than "regular" coke.

    Drink water instead. If it is the sweetness you like, add some dilute juice. Or even make yourself a fresh smoothie, it is a great way to get more fruit into your diet.

    Edit -

    To Aye. Right:

    Looks like you are in the minority - ask your doctor about drinking coke and see what he/she says.

    Coke contains something called 'Aspartame', do your research, you will come across many studies and theories.

  5. "yes it may be "diet" but in theory it is no better than "regular" coke.".....really?  Whose theory is that then!?

    I drink an ENORMOUS amount of diet coke, which really can't be good for me (At least 3 litres a day, but anything up to about 6 litres).  I'm sure this can't be healthy, but my teeth are strong, white and healthy, and I have lost 2.5 stone in weight since starting slimming world in February.  So it certainly hasn't slowed down MY weight loss!

  6. Drink water or if you LOVE it fizzy have sparkling water with a twist of lime or something

  7. Diet drinks, or any sugar free drinks, contain aspertame.  This tastes bad and is very bad for you. It is better to drink regular pop in moderation than to drink a lot of diet drinks with aspertame. This will hurt other parts of your body and really will not help much with the weight loss.  Even that flavored water is not any good.  Try drinking juices or water, or regular pop in moderation.  

  8. Just stop drinking fizzy drinks

  9. Wow that's a lot. I drink 1 can of soda a month, if even that. Drink water or get a water bottle and put in a crystal lite .

  10. Bad. But I still drink them. I've cut down to one a day from three a day though :)

    Why they are bad: They have artificial sweeteners like Aspartame in, just google Aspartame and you'll find out what that does. And also, diet coke & diet pepsi can cause osteoporosis.

    Just repeating what i've heard and read.

  11. It's good for diabetics since it has no sugar (or not much of it anyway), but I'm not sure how good it is for weight loss. 1 can a day wouldn't hurt, but 3 cans or more equals one full litre of the stuff, and I'd say that's too much to be healthy. Why don't you have water instead and save the diet coke for special occasions, it will taste all the better then when you can have it!

  12. Bad and ugly.

  13. Diet pop in general is very bad for you. They have artificial sweeteners, which are advertised as good, are not at all. They are bad for your body. I think they've been known to cause cancer. And they are also bad for your bones. So drinking a lot is not good.

    And if you want to lose the weight, drink water with lemon, or just water.

  14. Well diet sodas have alot of c**p in them.  Water would be better.

  15. They're really bad (horrible) for you... sorry :(  

    There's something in the diet drinks that does slow down your metabolism so you don't burn fat and calories as fast.

    However, there's something I've tried called Zevia, and their cola tastes just like diet coke, except it's fine for you.  They use stevia instead of sugar, which is MUCH better for you, and tastes exactly the same :)  I don't believe they make you gain weight, and they have caffeine, which is probably what you like so much in the diet coke, besides the flavor.

    I hope this helps!  

  16. It will also destroy your tooth enamel.  Both normal and diet fizzy drinks have acid in which can destroy the coating of your teeth and cause lots of problems.  If you have to drink fizzy drinks either chew sugar free gum after or wait at least 1 hour then brush your teeth.  As for weight loss why don't you try sugar free squash with fizzy mineral water and some ice - lovely!

  17. oh you're one of those diet coke ppl. i'm more of a good old fashioned regular coke kinda girl. aw, the sugar rush. diet softdrinks are bad and ugly and i don't think they actually help you lose weight, compared to their full sugar counterparts.but hey, what do i know.

  18. Diet sodas aren't good for you, with all the artificial sweetening in them. My dad has been trying to lose weight off of diet sodas for years and it hasn't reduced his weight at all. Also, diet sodas have chemically altered substances in them that become harmful when heated. I wouldn't recommend any diet sodas.

    Try to develop a healthy addiction. Drinks like Vitamin Water and Naked are tasty as well as good for you. You can lose plenty of weight by changing one simple drinking habit.

  19. There are soo many misconceptions about diet soda in general. Here is a great article that will have you definintely thinking differently...



  20.   Diet Soda has some bad ingredients in it, the worse being aspartame.  It apparently kills your brain cells.  They don't have any proof that drinking it causes this( doesn't mean it doesn't happen..they can't watch your brain cells die after you drink it's like a theory, because it can't be watched.), but they did apply it directly to the brain cells, and they died a horrible, agonizing death.  Sadly, soda might be better for you.  Why get all the damage soda caused plus dead brain cells?

  21. Love coke. Stick with it.

    Does you good all that caffine

  22. diet drinks = aspartame = NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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