
Diet for my <span title="goats??........................?">goats??.....................</span>

by Guest32200  |  earlier

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I am thinking about feeding my goats rice(cooked) carrots and broccoli (both raw) and hay. Will this work???.............. They get their carbs(rice) and their greens(broccoli) and their other veggies(carrots). I also wanted to add some grains. So could someone suggest something....... Thanks for your consideration.




  1. I have owned goats for years and they will eat practically anything. there are only a few things that arent good 4 them, like bananas, cheese, paper, trash, mold, and mainly things you wouldnt eat. i recommend that you feed them (besides weeds, grass, and any other plant) alfalfa and regular goat feed--the kind that has a bunch of different grains in it, but not too much of either of those, because goats only really need plants and water.

  2. dont feed your goats cooked rice. Go to a feed store and buy goat pellets. You can add hay and raw veggies for treats but I have had goats for years and cant understand why you would want to feed them rice.

    Goat pellets will provide all the nutrients they need

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