
Dieters; how many hours do you workout a week? ?

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Dieters; how many hours do you workout a week? ?




  1. I try for 5 hours a week but usually its between 4-5 hours a week (An hour a day Mon.-Fri. and the weekend off :) )

  2. For me it really depends on how lazy I'm being because I can be pretty drive to go check my mail instead of walking for 10 minutes.

    I do an hour a day. I try to do 2 hours but some days that just doesn't happen.

    I also wanted to answer your other question (yahoo doesn't send me emails when people ask questions anymore, it hasn't for a few months now. yahoo hates me)

    Some doctors will say don't lose more than 2lbs a week but to me I think that's wrong. If you can lose more, than do because no one wants to be dieting for a year when they could have been dieting for 6 months.

    I've lost 16lbs in 1 week and I didn't die or anything! I did feel a little weak and had to take vitamins but other than that I was fine!

    I don't suggest losing that much because that much can't be healthy. I did gain it all back but that's just because it was a fad diet and they don't work.

  3. Anywhere from an hour and a half to 2 hours. I do an hour of cardio then I do some weights for my body. And I sit in the sauna for about 10-15 minutes. I'm a 22 year old female by the way. And I do this routine pretty much 5-7 days a week. So if my math is correct (which it usually isn't) then that would mean I work out for anywhere from 8-14 hours a week.

  4. Normally I work out 2-4 hours a week. But I am getting ready to start volleyball back up and that means I will be working out 5-7 hours a week.

  5. I have been trying a contreversial new method of "working in" rather than working out.  I work in about 30 hours a week, and I haven't lost any weight yet... but I'm going to keep trying.

  6. When I'm maintaining, it's usually 5 hours a week (5 1-hour workouts).  When I'm training for competition, up that to 9 workouts app. 1 hour each.

    As a personal trainer, I work with clients based on what they are currently doing.  If they are maintaining their weight and not working out at all, I suggest 3 sessions of cardio and 2 weight training sessions to start.  It's all relative to what you are currently doing, how much you are currently expending.

    Here's more about my training as a fitness competitor:

  7. maybe 5 hours, monday through friday and the weekends off :)

    But, I wouldnt call it working out, I go for walks for an hour or more but I dont really "work out". I am dieting and have lost some weight witrh just watching what I eat and walking it off.

  8. at least 7

    an hour at least a day

  9. zero

  10. i agree with kiwi

  11. 11 hours a week. I do 1 hour and 40 minutes of cardio with resistance bands at the same time, daily. Plus I have a special diet. I lost a pant size in the first 10 days. It's called the Airclimber. If anyone wants to check it out, go to

    Or you can buy it at Target stores for $20 cheaper.

  12. I hit the gym 5 days a week joining the group fitness toning classes like yoga,pilates,crazy bar and fitball..i always jog for 30 minutes before each class to giv myself a deep warm up...

  13. I don't diet but I work out at least an hour and thirty minutes 4 times a week.

    I also drink 8 glasses of water, for good diet and clear skin.

  14. only like 10-20 minutes a day,

    its better than nothing.. :)

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