
Dieting?!?! HELP!!! PLEASE!!?

by  |  earlier

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So ive decided to go on a diet.

Not that i really need to but its more of a want.

But i dont really know much about dieting since ive never been on one!

n e imput on dieting would be greatly appreciated.

I would like to know stuff like

exercising?- what kinda? how long? how often?

Food Intake?

What fruits and vegtables are the best for you?

What food to stay away from?

any Vitamins?

All stuff like that

ALSO what are thing you do to help you stay on your diet and not cheat?? ect.

ALL information is welcome and greatly appreciated!





  1. Exercise as much as you can at a steady pace.

    Food intake take 6 small meals a day that are small portion meals.

    Fruits high in citrus and vegtables high it vit c

    Stay away from fried foods and foods high is cal and arnt that filling.

    a mulit vitam would be nice,

    Just think of the end results.

    If ur starting this diet wait till your holiday season is over

    Your dont wana miss out on the hoilday feasts!

    Good luck!

  2. I can tell you my diet.

    You should eat every 2 hours but with little pieces.

    Dont drink juices. Only tea. Maybe with sugar... its not matter

    Nothing fried.

    And you should eat bananas. I didnt eat any other fruit, but you can.

    Its all. This diet is simple. I didnt do any exercises.

  3. Diet? Sure I can help you there. If you are going to eat, the best way is to get les food. And remember this, NO MISSING OF FOOD! Coz thats killing and not dieting.

    also a daily exercise

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