
Dieting and exercising for 8 weeks and only lost 3lbs. Whats the deal?!?!?

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Had a baby not long ago been exercising and dieting for 8 weeks and weighed myself the other day and only lost 3lbs! Whats the deal?! Am I doing something wrong? I've cut all the bad stuff out of my diet, havn't even had a glass of juice. Been exercising 5 days a week for 8 weeks. I don't get it!

Anyone have any dieting tips? Or any exercising tips? I can't really go to the gym everyday. Things I'm able to do at home.

Oh and also..anyone know of anyways to tone my inner thighs. :)





  1. Weight watchers

    first week you exercize  and eat rite you lose 3-4 pounds

    after that 1-2 weeks

  2. If you haven't been on a regular exercise program in a long time then you are probably gaining muscle tissue (which weighs a lot more) and losing fat.  I once did a diet along with a lot of exercise and lifting weights and gained 3 pounds but lost 4 inches around my waist.

    Hang in there and measure yourself instead of relying on the scale, it gives you a lot better picture of what's getting "reproprotioned"

  3. It takes awhile for diet and exercise to sink in. Also if you've been exercising, muscle weighs more than fat. If you're exercising, you're losing fat and gaining muscle, which is denser (that's why it weighs more). So sometimes weighing yourself isn't the best way to mark your weight-loss progress. Try taking your BMI or noticing how your clothes fit. If none of these have drastically changed, than be patient. I could take a few months for those extra pounds to come off.

  4. A lot of good suggestions here.

    Measure your Chest, waist and butt... then weigh yourself.

    If your weight is static, or has even gone up but your measurements are smaller, then you may well be losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Bear in mind that as you get fitter, your measurements may increase again as you add muscle volume.

    The "how do my clothes fit" is still a great measure (if you are honest with yourself).

    Make sure that you do not diet so hard that you go into starvation mode. If you eat too little, your body will hold onto all the fat it can for emergencies.

    Stay away from fads. Anything offering "30 lbs in 7 days" or similar is going to be mainly fluid loss and possibly dangerous!

    Slow and steady wins the race every time (and the race stays won).

    Lastly,exercises you can do at home for inner thighs....

    Lie on your side and raise your upper leg up to 90 degrees and then down.

    Sit in a chair with a basketball or similar between your knees, squeeze, hold for a few seconds, release and repeat.

    Hope that helps and good luck!

  5. Stop weighing yourself and start measuring instead.  As you build muscle, you will begin to burn fat.  Muscle weighs more than fat, therefore, you could stay the same weight, but you are losing inches.  Don't worry about the number on the scale.  Measure yourself.  The scale can't tell you how much of the weight is fat and muscle.

  6. If you are breast feeding your weight will fluctuate as the breast are holding alot of extra weight.  If you weigh yourself when they are full you will weigh more than you weigh when they are empty.  Believe it or not when breast feeding is finished alot of weight should shed itself naturally.  As for exercise to lose weight you need to do cardio...power walking, jogging, running, high impact aerobics, ect.  Something that gets your heart beating and the sweat rolling.  

  7. Walk. Maybe even walk with weights on your ankles/wrists.

    That will definitely tone your thighs and probably help you loose weight.

  8. Keep it up.  I know when I start exercising, I usually GAIN weight for the first few weeks.  I've heard because when you start working out, your muscles may retain water.  Also, if you've been building muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. I didn't start to see the pounds come off until after the first month of exercising.  Good luck!

  9. your weight might not do down too much, because the fat is being converted into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat

    go more by how your clothes fit than what the scale says

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