
Diferential equation (bernoulli)?

by Guest34180  |  earlier

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how can i solve this diferencial equation, i think its bernoulli´s

t^2 dy/dt +y^2 =ty

book´s answer: e^(t/y) = ct




  1. t²dy/dt+y^2=ty

    dy/dt-y/t=-y²;          y/t=u;            u'=(ty'-y)/t²;          

    t²u'=ty'-y;        y'=tu'+u;          tu'+u-u=-u²;       -du/u²=-dt/t



  2. I don't understand why the constant of integration is multiplied by t (?)

    But I got t=e^(t/y)+C

    curiously enough.....  

  3. I understand that Bernoulli equation is an equation of the form

    dy/dt + yP(t) = f(t)y^n

    What makes them special is that they can be reduced to a linear DE of the form

    dy/dt + u*g(t) = h(t)

    using the substitution

    u = y^(1-n)


    t^2 dy/dt +y^2 =ty


    First I divided both sides by t^2 to get

    dy/dt + (t^-2) y^2 = (1/t)y

    Then I rearranged the equation to get

    dy/dt + (-1/t)y = -(t^-2) y^2

    Now you have

    u = y^(1 - 2) = y^-1

    Differentiating both sides gives

    du/dy = -1*y^-2 = -1/y^2

    Solving for dy/du you have

    dy/du = -y^2

    By the Chain rule,

    dy/dt = (dy/du)*(du/dt) = (-y^2)*(du/dt)

    Substituting this into the equation I got

    dy/dt - (1/t)y = -(t^-2) y^2

    (-y^2)*(du/dt) - (1/t)y = -(t^-2) y^2

    Multiplying both sides by -1/y^2 gives

    du/dt + 1/yt = t^-2

    Becuase u=y^-1 you have

    du/dt + u(1/t) = t^-2

    integrating factor = e^[∫dt/t] = e^ln|t| = t

    Now you have

    ∫(d/dt)[ut] = ∫t^-1 dt

    ut = ln|t| + ln|c| = ln|ct|

    Because u = t/y

    t/y = ln|ct|

    e^(t/y) = ct

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