
Difference beetween monkeys,primates and apes?

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Difference beetween monkeys,primates and apes?




  1. Monkeys have tails - apes and chimps don't.  All of them are in the Primate family of animals.

  2. Primates is a set that includes monkeys and apes.

  3. Okay, let's start with primate.

    A primate is any animal that is in one of the three groups in the order Primates: lemurs, monkeys and apes.

    Lemurs are the least 'advanced' of the three; they have changed the least since they split off from monkeys and apes. It's hard to explain how to tell them apart from monkeys, but basically they have wet noses, and rely on scent more than monkeys or apes.

    Monkeys are another group, who are more evolutionarily 'advanced' than lemurs. They include macaques, marmosets, and various other animals.

    Apes are the final group. Big difference between apes and monkeys: apes do not have tails. Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gorillas are often called monkeys, but they are in fact, apes. Modern humans are apes, and thus are also primates.

    All primates share some similar features: forward-facing eyes that allow depth perception, color vision, opposable thumbs, nails (instead of claws), large brains, few young per birth, and some other stuff I can't recall off the top of my head.

    In summary: lemurs, monkeys and apes are all subgroups of the Primate group.

    Hope that helps!

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