I'm going to be a senior and will be taking dual enrollment courses at the local college...dual enrollment means that I'll be taking collge courses, but getting both high school and college credits.
For math, I do not know whether I should take Calculus 1 or Trig? I took Math Analysis my junior year and did pretty well (A and B+ for the two semesters) and was prepared to take AP CALCULUS AB my senior year before i found out about dual enrollment. Does anyone know how College Calculus 1 compares to AP CALC?
Does trig.count alot in Calculus? We spent a quarter on trig in math analysis and I learned enough for AP Calc.......
The college I'll be taking my classes at is OKALOOSA WALTON COLLEGE in Niceville, Florida. I don't think it's too hard of a college. They offer Calculus 1, 2, and 3........
What should I do? Trig. is kind of easy so it would be less challenging, but do i need a FIRM background for calc??