
Difference between AP Calculus AB and College Calculus 1? Which should I take?

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I'm going to be a senior and will be taking dual enrollment courses at the local college...dual enrollment means that I'll be taking collge courses, but getting both high school and college credits.

For math, I do not know whether I should take Calculus 1 or Trig? I took Math Analysis my junior year and did pretty well (A and B+ for the two semesters) and was prepared to take AP CALCULUS AB my senior year before i found out about dual enrollment. Does anyone know how College Calculus 1 compares to AP CALC?

Does trig.count alot in Calculus? We spent a quarter on trig in math analysis and I learned enough for AP Calc.......

The college I'll be taking my classes at is OKALOOSA WALTON COLLEGE in Niceville, Florida. I don't think it's too hard of a college. They offer Calculus 1, 2, and 3........

What should I do? Trig. is kind of easy so it would be less challenging, but do i need a FIRM background for calc??




  1. If you are planing to major in a degree that requires a lot of math and science you might just want to take AP Calculus AB because different universities teach calculus differently. For example where i go to college we use the same book for CALC 1-3 and CALC 2 picks up right where CALC 1 stopped. In Calc 1 there is not a lot of trig. If math is really easy for you and you pick up on it very easily then just take it at the college and get credit because then you can start in Calc 2. Remember you could also take it at your high school and then take the AP test and get credit for Calc for college. Good luck and hope this makes sense.

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