
Difference between Bathroom and Restroom?

by Guest32256  |  earlier

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I barely thought of it today when I was at the Mall In Downtown San Francisco when I was going to the Bathroom/Restroom.




  1. you can get company in restroom but not in bathroom

  2. bathroom is toilet with a shower. it means you can bathe there!!

    restroom is a toilet but there are added lounge seats or a resting area for you to sit down.

    toilet is where you p**p and flush out all your unwanted toxins from your body!

  3. Both words used for the lavatory by people in the USA who are too prissy to say lavatory.

    I was amazed on a flight over the Pacific, when the Pilot asked us to return to our seats and fasten our seat-belts, because we were flying into turbulence. A large USA citizen immediately stood up. The stewardess asked him to sit down and he said, 'But I have to go to the bathroom.' I have never been on a plane on which you could call the lavatory a bathroom. 'Bathroom' in British English means a room with a bath in it. It may or may not have a WC.

    Surely a 'rest room' is for resting. West Africans, when asking for the Lavatory often say, 'Where can I ease myself?' which seems a useful expression.

  4. in a bathromm u can take a bath and more stuff and in a restroom all u can do is just take ****

  5. I think when it's public, it's a restroom. mostly b/c there's no BATH. And a bathroom is not really public. besides, there's a BATH.

  6. I always make sure I say "I need to use the restroom" when we're out in a public place i.e restaurant. I say "I need to use the bathroom" when I'm at home since we have a BATH in our bathroom.

    Bathing however, can be washing your hands or putting lotion on ... you can do these things in a "restroom" so there isn't technically a 100% sure answer on when to use which but generally Bathroom is used for homes and Restroom is used for public places.

  7. bathroom is a place which has a sink, toilet, tub or shower.  

    restroom is a place which has a sink and toilets.

  8. Bathroom is a place where you can take a bath.

    Restrooms are normal toilets.

  9. bathroom - a room equipped for taking a bath or shower

    restroom - rooms or a room having a washbowl, toilet, and other facilities for use by employees, visitors, etc., as in a store, theater, or office.

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