
Difference between Hostel Rated and Unrated?

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Is there any difference between Hostel rated and Unrated??





  1. un rated is abit more truth. this is basedon true story and its real. so beware i have seen it several times sad but true take care.

  2. Yes, there is more gore, and extended scenes - like the scene with Kana's eye and her suicide, and I think one with someone losing his leg?

    That's all the differences I remember.

  3. The unrated DVD contains three additions that weren't in the theatrical version:

    1. A close-up of the German Surgeon's severed leg after it's cut off by the chainsaw.

    2. A slightly extended take of Kana's eye being cut off and the subsequent puss.

    3. A close-up of the train crushing Kana's head during her suicide.

  4. I'm not sure whether its based on a true story or not.  A friend of mine told me the synopsis of the movie...and I knew it was one I could definitely live without seeing.  I'd look up the answer for you but seriously these types of movies scare the c**p outta me.

  5. More bloody!

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