
Difference between Indian Army and pakistan army?

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  1. indian army like is donky and son of biches. Pakistan army hit to a*s in indian army in 1965.

  2. Indian Army is the second largest standing army troops in the world. Over 10000+ tanks and equipped with some of the deadliest missiles system in the world.

    Indian army is known for its disciplinary performance. World's most discipline army. Distributed into 34 Divisions protecting India from the widespread commands over Indian fronts.

    Indian soldiers are known for there commitment over the border action that includes wars and battles. India borders china, afghanistan, Pakistan, Mynmar, and bangladesh. But my friend none of the country dare to mess with Indian army.

    Pakistan is an terrorist country. Its army includes the mixture of terrorist group like al quedda, lashkar-e-toiba, and hizbul mujahiddin. These are responsible for the killing of people all over the world that includes US WTC explosion, many attacks on india. Interesting to know that even the pakistani politicians know that pakistani army is threat to there own country. On contrary pakistans army strength is just half of the what india has. Indian victory is always sure even with battle with pakistan in the future.

    Practically if pakistan 10 hit on india is equal to one blow of india on pakistan.

  3. There is lot difference.... There is no political influence on Indian Army, where as Pak army is politicaly influenced.. It has been proved time and again that an Army which is politically motivated and influenced either ruins itself or the state.... later can be an esample of state exploitation

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