
Difference between MAC & Windows? (read below)?

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this is what i think the difference is


*No viruses, no spyware, malware, worms, bugs, etc etc

*your computer does not crash as easy

*you dont get as much junk

*alot of programs are not compatible with MAC (MAC computers only accepts programs that are designed for it)

*Macs are mostly designed for artist (such as for painting, music, images, etc etc)

*MACS are more for entertainment and less for work


*Viruses and spyware and everything

*More computer crashes

*Absolutly all programs run on windows (even though its designed for MAC, it will also be designed for windows)

*Windows is more recomended for business and power users, (such as companies, schools, etc etc)

*Windows is for entertainment and for work

*Windows is WAY more popular and use WAY more around the WORLD

thats the big difference that i see in between windows and mac

im a PC Tech and i know how to use Windows and MAC

-i was born nov.12.1989




  1. Another huge difference is that the Mac OS's are made just to run only on Mac hardware. Also, Windows only crashes when there is a problem with the application you are using OR you have driver problems, which is your fault, not the OS's.

  2. Sounds good. This question actually seems to be a statement though. One thing I have noticed. MAC's do get virus's, it is very rare but there is virus's out there for MAC's. Usually most virus's are designed for PC's because PC's are the most popular system right now. But there is a few out there for MAC's. Otherwise, you pretty much hit the nail on the head here.

  3. ha the big difference is that mac sucks big time and windows doesnt. every time windows crashes its user error not the OS. i have never had my and of my 5 computers crash and they all have vista. another thing is with mac your paying for the name not a quality product that you would get from a windows compatible product. nothing good ever happens from mac i mean have you been reading the news about the iPhone. yeah it sucks. my sister bought a macbook 6 months ago and she only uses it for college and it no longer works. it just stopped working cause the are low quality. i wish steve jobs would just get that he sucks and go to work for microsoft.  

  4. I would have to differ on you only on the macs are designed for entertainment.  Most of the mac commercials are designed to tell consumers you can use macs for more entertainment purposes versus PC's, but this is simply not true.  Like you said, macs have a very low compatibility (somewhere around 10% of games around the world are actually playable on a mac).  Entertainment, at least for me, is playing movies, music, and most of all, games (even though most of these games do not involve a computer, for these reasons lets say games only include those involving a computer).  Both PCs and Macs can play movies and music, but PCs can play many times more games than macs can.  I agree with everything else you say; windows are known to crash more, but there are also a lot more pcs out there.  I'm not going to pretend like I know the exact statistics for crash rates, but naturally if you have more product on the market you will get more problems with your products.  Another thing to consider is Mac is built by Apple; you cannot buy a mac from any other company.  Windows can be bought on Sony, HP, Toshiba, Alienware, Dell, Compaq, Asus, Acer, and the list goes on and on forever.  While some windows companies produce cheap computer that crash a lot, many windows companies create strongly made products that can easily rival macs in that category; in fact, I have an HP that I've had for more than 5 years and it has never given me a single problem.  Ever.  Thats reliability if you ask me.  On the other hand I had a Toshiba that erased my whole hard drive (including the operating system) within a month.  Sorry I've written so much, but I hope this answers your question.

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