
Difference between beach and indoors?

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what are the different rules for beach volleyball versus indoor volleyball?




  1. Outdoor:  No "tipping".  It's OK to let the ball bounce off the palm of your hand, but the typical indoor open-hand push is an outdoor no - no.

    Setting the ball over the net is only legal if you set it in the direction you are facing or directly backward.  If you are in a typical setter position, facing left along the net and set the ball over the net, you are again guilty of an outdoor no-no.

    You can be called for a double on the first contact outdoors.  You can only get away with a first contact double if your opponents have spiked the ball (it must be a driven ball; not a "shot".)

    I'm not sure if they've changed this rule, but outdoors, a block is counted as one of the three team contacts.  If your partner has touched the ball on a block, and you pass it to him, he must then hit the ball over the net.

    I'm also not sure about contact with the feet.  At one time, a ball bouncing off your foot was legal outdoor but not indoor (or was it the other way around?) This may still be true.

    There wording for the rule on lifts and doubles is the same, but traditionally in beach referees call double contacts tighter than indoors, but allow for "deep dish" sets that might be called lifts in indoor play.

    Of course, there is no front row/back row consideration, though sometimes on grass courts they will mark a 10' line for "reverse coed" rules (women's net height, men may only attack from behind the 10' line.)

    The lack of a center line means that you can't be called for being under the net.  Instead, you are called only if you interfere with your opponent (i.e. bumping the blocker).

    Outdoors it traditionally played without antennas, but the pro beach tour plays with antennas.

    And of course the uniforms are different.....;)

  2. Beach volleyball is played with only 2 people playing on a team(4 total) indoor there are 6 playing on a team (12 total).  The surface areas are also diffrent, sand for beach and a gym floor for indoor.  The presure of the balls is diffrent.  Beach volleyball is coed. The match format is also diffrent.  In beach volley if you don't like the toss you made for your serve you can't drop it.

    check out this site for more info

    I hoped this helped

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