
Difference between boys and girls.?

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This is a question for moms with a girl and a boy. What are the biggest differences between sons and daughter? (Besides the obvious!!) Is one easier than the other in certain aspects? I have a 5 year old little girl and just found out we're having a boy in December. Just curious what to expect!




  1. Boys have a p***s

    girls has a v****a

    Boys think with there penises

    Girls think with there hearts

    Boys look for their mommies

    Girls look for their daddy's

  2. well im not a mom or dad or never dated...

    but im a boy i can tell......

    the difference are their body parts....

    and sometimes u can tell by their behavior....

    if u see their pupils are bigger....then its a boy

  3. boys are lose tornadoes. girls never shut up.

  4. Boys get dirtier a lot easier and girls seem to be more verbal. Boys talk physically and through a lot more noises and babbling it seems. Girls also have more outbursts (tantrums and crying) because they have a lot more feelings. Boys are more carefree. In my opinion boys are easier to raise. lol.

  5. I have a 14 year old son and a 10, almost 11, year old girl.

    When they were younger other then being different personalities they weren't that much different.

    When they get older they are like day and night.

    My son gave me hard time with him not liking me telling him not to do somethings, challenging my authority as a mom. He was around 11/12 at the time. Now he's pretty good and I can talk to him.

    My daughter now is "DRAMA" all day long.

    Of course the sibling rivalry, older teasing younger, younger bugging older is a lot of fun too.

    Enjoy your kids and remember one day they move out.

  6. boys cry and p**p. and cry some more. girls cry and p**p. Not much difference. lol

  7. Boys have a, well, you know

    Girls have a well, you know. (both)

    Boys are harder to control (hehehe), like video games, swear a lot, and dont really chat on cell phones in the teen years.

    Girls are easy to control, most dont care for video games, rarely swear, and make your cell phone bill go off the charts. :P

    Thats only some.

  8. I have a five year old son named Pix and a three year old daughter named Samantha. Pix plays more roughly and he more how should I put it, out going though it may just be their age differences, Samantha likes to jump around more then Pix she is more active.

  9. Congratulations. Boys are more active. Boys are more straight forward in their defiance, while girls are more sneaky. My girls could read or listen to records (yes, I'm that old) for hours, while my son would lose interest in anything sedentary in a hurry. My son always wanted to know how things were put together and how they worked, so was always tearing things apart.

    My favorite kids are boys at about 14-16 and girls of that age are my least favorite people in the world.

  10. Im not a mom or a dad, but ive dated some moms.  i think boys are harder when they are young.  Girls are harder as teens.  Suffer now, or suffer later.

  11. It is a true fact that girl mature faster than boys!

    It's not really important though :-)

    Have a great life!

  12. I dont have any girls I have a son but have a very large family

    I have found that the girls in my family are more independant,sly,cunning,maniplutive but learn to talk and use the potty quicker than boys,girls when they are upset or angry they tell you and arnt afriad to hide their emotions,they can be very sweet and caring but watch out for the tantrums

    boys like to cuddle and are usually more affectionate than little girls,they can be more agressive and sometimes hide their emotions more or choose to use their agression more than what girls do,they are usually slower at learning to talk and use the potty,boys get bored quick and are far more active than little girls

  13. I think the main perceived differences are actually created through how they're treated. I'll bet that if I dressed a boy up like a little girl, let his hair grow long, and no one knew the difference, the way the public would treat him ("her") would cause him to act as a girl is expected to act. I'll bet that if I cut off a little girl's hair and put her in a boy's outfit, the public would reinforce "male" behavior and the little girl would act accordingly.

    It's about what you expect. You create their realities, pretty much. Since you're being told that boys are dirtier, louder, etc. - you'll probably see it more in them. It's selective seeing and then you'll respond accordingly, reinforcing all of it and continuing a cycle. I'm sure there are some differences, but they are largely exaggerated. If a boy acts as a girl "should" act, then he is called "g*y" and is treated negatively until he confirms. If a girl acts as a boy "should" act, she's called a "tomboy" and people attempt to squeeze her back into her gender role. Please treat your kids equally.

  14. boys are more calm than girls, girls never shut up, and are really spoiled...

  15. guys can be real jerks and pain in the **** and girls are talkative and hormonal and grumpy

    but tha long and the short of it is chiks hav a hole and huys have a stik!

    plz help:

  16. I have 2 girls and baby boy came along 15 months ago.  As I like to say, my house has never been so 'explored'!  He likes to push it, pull it, throw it, grab it, roll it, squeeze it, rub it, slide it... whatever.  The main difference is that boys like to see how everything works and what will happen when they do all of the above.  My girls tended to find things to play with and get involved in that activity.

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