
Difference between expertise required for swimming races and water polo?

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My son (8 years old) recently started swimming. He took to water like a duck.

I have never swum so I can’t understand the difference in skills required for various water sports.

One coach wants my kid to go in for water polo. He says that water polo is a more exacting and rewarding sport.

Another coach wants him to go for 100 m races.

Can someone help me understand how to make a choice here? While no sport is inferior or superior, I would like my kid to take up the sport he has more flair for – and I have to help him decide rather than the coaches who might have different views.




  1. I have competed in both at pretty high levels, i used to swim state and then moved to water polo where i have also played state level. training for both sports is demanding but i found swimmin demanded somethin more, for me it became repetitive and boring so i moved to polo, it requires a different kind of strength (for wrestling and treading water) balls skills and good reaction times. at your sons age i would encourage both because even if he chooses not to swim competitively he will need to swim train (its imperative for polo) if he enjoys them then good, but dont push him into anythin. i dont regret swimmin as it taught me discipline and conditioned me but water polo is great, it taught me skills (not just for the game but life) and i have been so many places and have great friends.

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