
Difference between jointed and linked?

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Is the only difference between a regular jointed bit and a linked bit is that less pressure is put on the roof of the mouth by the linked bit?

Also would a linked bit help to stop a horse from opening it's mouth when you pick up alot of contact?




  1. This is actually quite a complicated question and would take a lot of answering. The best suggestion I can make is that you visit this site

    As it has a lot of very useful and understandable information and very good diagrams.

    Edit> I did start by trying to explain it myself but it looked as if I was trying to write a book and I really didn't want to bore you to tears !

  2. Unless your horse has a shallow palate, the jointed snaffle will not contact the roof of the mouth.  When it is discovered that this is happening, switching to a linked snaffle will solve the problem.  I have ridden many horses of different breeds in jointed snaffles and had no problems with the mouth gaping when I pick up contact, so I think that if the mouth is gaping, either the horse must have a shallow palate or excessive force or other inappropriate handling of the reins is the problem.

    I have heard that some linked bits encourage leaning on the bit, and that the french link with cherry roller is best.  Actually, Freedom Rider has researched it and is using one and you could contact her for more information on this.

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