
Difference between milkshake and a frappe?

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  1. A milkshake is made with milk and ice cream, and sometimes syrups.

    Frappes are made with chilled espresso, ice, and usually heavy whipping cream to give it added creaminess. And syrup is added for flavor. A frappe is just the word coffee places are allowed to use for a Frappuccino. Starbucks has a trademark on that word, so no other coffee joint can use it. So it gets shortened to "frappe." I've also seen it as "frappa-latte."

  2. A milkshake is much thicker normally involving milk and some kind of sweet flavoring such as chocolate and vanilla and a frappe is lighter usually with crumbled ice and fruit or it can be coffee flavored with whipped cream on top (semi liquefied)

  3. Actually these answers are all wrong... you cant just say what they r becuz they mean different things... Where i come from north eastern usa milkshakes have milk and syrup in them and they r mixed/blended and frappes have milk syrups and ice cream. you can order frappes extra thick or regular or even thin...

    Everyone thinks frappes need espresso but this is wrong. People think this becuz of how companies such as Starbucks make frappes but they only make them with espresso or some type of coffee many ppl get the wrong idea what a frappe is becuz of this. you have to go to a  real ice cream place such as richardsons icecream to know what a frappe is. Again Milkshakes r really thin "whipped" milk and syrup ..

  4. milkshakes are thicker and are made with milk and i think cream and some kind of flavoring

    frappes are more flow-y and are made with coffee, cream, and flavors

  5. frappe has coffee in it

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