
Difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness?

by  |  earlier

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i always get the two confused and i may have a eye condition that goes along with nearsightedness. Can someone explain the difference between the two?




  1. Near ----- Far.

    Near is close to you.

    Far is away from you.

    Sighteness attached to either word, tells you whether you see things close to you or far from you. No confusion now I hope.

    One more thing: To correct either the lenses have to be either concave or convex. How to remember which one is for which? Remember the word "SHAVE". SHort  sight - ConcaVE lens. Put to gether, the word is shave.

    Then obviously, the other one, far sightedness will require a convex lens to correct your vision.

    Hope this helps.

  2. 1 you cant see clear near the other you dont see clear far

  3. nearsighted means u are able to see things that are close to you and farsighted means u are able to see things far away.  

  4. nearsightedness is when u cant see far away and can only see things near you and farsightedness is when u cant see things close to u and can only see things far away

  5. If you are nearsighted, then you can see near really good.  If you are farsighted, then you see far really good.

  6. Nearsighted: You see near stuff clearly. (Can't see far stuff)

    Farsighted: You can see far stuff clearly. (Can't see near stuff)

  7. nearsighted is where u see near and far sighted is where u see far

  8. well;

    nearsighted is when you can see close up very well.


    farsighted is when you can see far away very well.

    i hope this helps you.

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