
Difference between??

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whats are the differences between spirit guides and guardian angels. please give honest and serious answers. anyone that is gonna say they aren't real.. please don't bother!




  1. Same difference. Both real.

  2. I always thought of angels as not really human...and I think of spirit guides as being humans that died and are smart. I'm wondering if ...when you get "Confirmed" in the Catholic Church and take the name of a saint as your model to follow...I'm wondering if they didn't get this idea from hearing people talk about spirit guides. (Just thought I'd see what  you and others think about this.)

  3. Guardian Angels both lead and protect.

    Spirit guides, help lead.  So basically they do the same thing, one's job is just a little more heavier than the other.

  4. Hope this helps you understand.....

    Spirit Guides:  Before you incarnate, you get together with your higher self and determine what sort of events you will experience, who you will meet, challenges you will face, etc.  It’s like putting together a course syllabus.  Your higher self then selects spirits who are willing and able to guide you through those events or experiences.  These guides will come in and out of your life as these events happen.  Some spirit guides will hang around you your entire life, some will come and go regularly, and some will pop in for an event and leave.  They’re busy “people” and watching over an incarnated human takes work and effort, so it’s not a job that is given or taken lightly.  These are not your dead grandparents here.  These are spirits that have expertise or knowledge or experience in handling the situations you are planning for yourself to encounter while incarnated.  If you want to connect directly with your spirit guides, you can.  It’s like visiting your professors during office hours.

    Guardian Angels: Everyone has angels watching out for them.  Several in fact.  Angels are not in the same category as spirit guides.  Angels do not incarnate, whereas a spirit guide could take human form again if they chose.  There are thousands of angels and some are assigned to you just like guides.  They are especially good at comforting you during the rough times.  If you meditate, you may detect them around you.  And they are usually around in a crisis.  They tend to intervene when disaster is about to strike and you need some serious help.

  5. They're essentially two terms used to describe the same thing, like God and Allah.

  6. Bottom line, spirit guides are pagan, while guardian angels is Christian.

  7. Spirit guides were someone you once knew from a past life, they have lived at least one or more life times. I was never sure about spirit guides until she started to communicate with me just over four years ago. They are so real, loving compassionate, and they do act and feel like angels, comforting. Unless I am confusing my spirit guide with my guardian angel....I have seen others as well at the time my spirit guide would come to me, they perhaps were angels. But you spirit guide is the one that will be closer communicating to you than angels. Angels are there to protect you as guards, they too appear to look like spirits.

    The truth is we are never alone. We are always surrounded by like a support group from the other side. I know more about spirit guides than angels since I have some communication with Erica my guide. She gave me memory of us together in two different past life times in dream like form. She was my spirit guide in the past life and gave me memory of us in our first time together. In that memory I was the one who died first, I was spirit comforting her like she does to me now. What I ascertain through it all, and the messages within these dream like communications....that her and I are taking turns being a spirit guide for one another, since we trust one another, to help guide one another through problems to gain knowledge within our spirit, to learn from all our life experiences for the future, for eternity.

    Spirit guides come to our aid when needed, I can actually call her in, although she comes and makes regular check ins.
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