
Difference between sharks and fish?

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besides the obvious size and other things like that

whats the difference

i couldn't think of much




  1. sharks are a type of fish but  sharks have bones that are made up of cartillage intead of normal bone

  2. sharks eat people fish dont

  3. Sharks and fishes dont differ. Sharks are also fishes, the largest of the piscean species.  If you ask about goldfish, then there are many differences, apart from the size. Goldfish and sharks have different diets. All sharks are carnivorous, however, only about 10 species are dangerous to humans. Another thing- Sharks dont survive very long in captivity, while i doubt you will ever find a goldfish in the wild.

  4. Well for one, i couldn't resist answering this ,

    the Gold Fish have never been known to be

    Man Eaters ?  right ?.....also shark are preditory

    and i don't think many fish are as bad as the shark.

    Sharks circle their prey....this is not a normal behaviour

    by other fish. Sharks also have been known to go into

    frenzied attacks, in which they also eat their own .

    Look in one of those shark books , you will find

    lots of info, and great Photos too.

  5. Sharks ARE fish, but very peculiar and very very ancient.

    Sharks can't move their gills like other fish can, so they have to constantly swim around, otherwise they will suffocate. They can also close their eyes (which they always do when biting into something). They don't have swim bladder like other fish. Their skeleton is made of cartilage instead of bone. They also have replaceable teeth, with new teeth constantly replacing old ones.

  6. sharks are fish.

    but there are different categories of fish, sharks would be cartilage fish, along with rays & skates, while goldfish, & tuna and the like are bony fish.

  7. Well i dont know too much but i do know that a shark cant stay still. Otheriwse it will die :( so when it has to sleep it has to sleep ina position so that the water is flowing into his gills.

    A shark has a fin. Errm sharks has cartliridge. Errrm fish have scales ( do sharks??) Errrm Errrm and yeh thats it!

    sorry lol

  8. sharks ARE fish

    but from a goldfish

    the main difference would probably be cartalige vs bone

  9. One can kill and the other can't?

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