
Difference between tariff points, and credits ?

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I am hoping to study an access into midwifery course with the Distance Learning Centre... I left school at 15 with no qualifications, so I would be starting from scratch. The uni I would like to attend states that 200 points would be needed to get onto the midwifery degree, but on the DLC website it says the access course gives you a maximum of 60 credits.... What I would like to know is if credits, and points are the same thing, and if not what's the difference? And if they are the same, what would I have to do to gain the extra 140 points ??? I thought the whole idea of the access course was for people like me with no previous qualifications

Thanks in advance

Ninky :)




  1. I think the points you are referring to are UCAS points, If you go to UCAS there are tables that give you the points for different qualifications.

    Access credits are different. You have credits at different levels. 60 ACCESS credits is standard.

    Have a look at the link below, it is for nursing at Birmingham uni (I know it's not the right course, but bear with me)

    They are asking for BBC at A level, but lower down it asks for 60 credits from an Access course.

    Now stop panicking and start studying and good luck.

  2. idk

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