
Difference between tarot reading and astrology

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Is it true that tarot reading does not require any details like time,place & date of birth of a person to predict his future but its predictions can be accurate.

I have also heard that with the help of tarot we can prevent some bad things in life like, suppose it was said that the person will definately have an accident during his life time then can the person with the help of tarot be cautious and have a minor accident and without tarot reading guidance that accident would have been a major one.

Is it also true that some of the bad things which occur in life can be minimised or extirpated with the use of astrology.

Suppose a person has been predicted that after his marriage his financial condition will be worsened and it will be a love marriage.

Now is it possible that if the person deliberately goes for an arranged marriage and will he be able to minimise his financial loss which would have been of a greater magnitude if he had gone for a love marriage ?

Query for astrologers.

If a person is being predicted that he will have a love marriage and it would ultimately result in divorce.Now if the person knowing this prediction intentionally does an arranged marriage with his parents' wishes then will he able to prevent any divorce in his life ?

Honest answers please.




  1. hello,,

    in my opinion,most of of the time, our intution say right, so we shud believ our self and ,nd what the pridiction is saying, we shuld believ that.In ur case, as you pridict, u shud nt hav love marriag if our intution, is saying like this, that we will hav divorce after love marriage,  so you shud do arrange marriage, it is more secure then love marriage, no one blames you in future, for arrange marriage.

  2. no both concept i con't accept because even in the arranged marriage also lot of divorce casses is there only think need understand each other not only search for s*x.

    in my knowledge our famil too many love marriages are held and they are living very nice better than the arranged marriage

    my marriage arranged one i am very happy in my life    

  3. Is it true that tarot reading does not require any details like time,place & date of birth of a person to predict his future but its predictions can be accur it was said that the person will definately have an accident during his life time then can the person with the help of tarot be cautious and have a minor accident and without tarot reading guidance that accident would have been a major one.

    ateIf a person is being predicted that he will have a love marriage and it would ultimately result in divorce.Now if the person knowing this prediction intentionally does an arranged marriage with his parents' wishes then will he able to prevent any divorce in his life ?

    Honest answers please

  4. i think.... nature of any human being cant be changed. its just dat it can be altered 4 sometime. but i do believe dat by astro or tarrot we can minimize the effects of predicted incidents to certain extent..

  5. Honestly. There is no evidence that either can do what is claimed. I've been to a place that prints tarot cards. This company also prints other playing cards, UNO cards, and other cardboard items. Same material and inks. Really. But it must be nice to be able to purchase paranormal ability. Also that may explain why my cereal box is glowing.

    Edit: Do not be miss lead. Astrology is NOT science. To be a science it has follow the scientific method. Unlike astrology these rules can not be bended to fit. Read what is real science in the link.

    Science is, as Carl Sagan put it, a candle in the dark. It shines a light on the world around us and allows us to see beyond our superstitions and fears, beyond our ignorance and delusions, and beyond the magical thinking of our ancestors, who rightfully fought for their survival by fearing and trying to master occult and supernatural powers.

  6. I would tell that what you have heard about tarot is true.Name, DOB, place and all isnt needed to get an answer to your question.Its just the tarot reader connects to the person in question and gets the answer to the question.People are warned incase somthing bad is in store and also solution 2 avoid or minimize the problem is got.

    As some1 has told these cards are jus cards,but once they reach the tarot readers hands they are no longer piecies of paper with pictures on them.They guide the tarot reader.

    Well belief in it is required, well i think that is also not required,you will start beliving in it once you find things coming true.But see that u consult a good tarot reader..

    Anyway All the Best for your marriage (looks like this is troubling you)

    take care.

  7. my name is mital y patel. i want to know about my preganancy.please tell me the correct birth-date is 31-12-1985,birth place is bilimora (gujarat),time 12:45 pm.

  8. Tarot reading and astrology is different like day and night . Astrology is a very accurate science ; when its done by someone who knows astrology ; but tarot reading ; are just cards and if you do not have any physic abilites ; well they cannot tell much and its far from accurate  

  9. Some tarot readers like to have a name or a birthday so that they can 'connect' to the person they are reading for. And predictions can be accurate as long as the person listens to the message of the cards and does what needs to be done to follow through. But, futures change. If a reading predicts some sort of personal disaster and the person does not want this to happen, they can make it not happen by changing the path that they are currently on.

    BUT- there are two kinds of futures- those we can change and those we cannot due to there being external forces that are beyond our control.

    Like your accident example-

    (readings are really not fragmented as I show in the examples)

    If the reading says - car accident, lose control of the car- breaks fail- then one should fix the breaks- future changed

    But if the reading says - car accident, drunk driver - head on, then what is a person to do to prevent it? Never get in a car again? Maybe the car jumps the curb and hits a person walking. Either way, this is the external forces we cannot control.

    I study and use both Tarot and Astrology and they 'work' differently, but they are not as different as day and night. Both use elements and associations with those elements in the same way. This is the basic foundation for both as well as the different archetypes.

    I started with astrology and it was so much information that I set it aside for a while. Then I took up tarot and found that in learning tarot it made understanding a bit of the astrological stuff easier.

    For example- Astrology has four elements





    The four suits in the Minor Arcana are





    In both systems we have the human life aspects that go along with these elements.

    Fire- Action, Energy, Creativity, the Spiritual things of life

    Earth- Money-Work-Possessions, the Material things of life

    Air- Thoughts, the Mind, Intellect, Learning, the Mental things of life

    Water- Love, Relationships, Fulfillment, the Emotional of life

    Where these two systems differ is that with Astrology the reading is done from a 'static' reference, meaning that the Natal chart is made using the birth information, which never changes. The reading is about the person as an individual and shows their strengths and weaknesses as well as the potential they have in life, good or bad.

    With tarot, typically a question is asked and cards are drawn, the reading will never be the same.

    There is a branch of astrology that is used to answer questions and that uses the time and place of when and where the question is asked, but again, the chart is 'static' it is what it is.

    One could ask the cards, "Who am I and what is my purpose?" and one would get a message from the cards that might sound like a chart reading, just without signs and planets.

    But with both systems there is Free Will- either reading Astro or tarot may say that a person is headed towards greatness, but if all they do is sit on their butt and wait for it to happen, it is not going to. They have the potential to be great, but they have to take action.

    I don't feel that everything can be minimized by either system. My chart has an aspect that speaks about the death of a partner, not just death from old age. I saw that in my chart and hoped it would never happen, but I knew that it was a possibility since people of all ages die all the time and for all sorts of reasons- Well, in 1998, my partner was killed.

    So as it was seen in my chart.

    The only way divorce is preventable- don't get married.

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