
Difference between terms Arabian, Middle East, Persian and Muslim?

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I hear these four terms a lot. I don't quite understand the context of each. Can someone give me the differences?




  1. Arabian is a term of ethnicity.

    Middle East is a geographical term.

    Persian is a historic term.

    Muslim is a religious term.

    Somebody can be something of them, some of them or all of them.

  2. Persian relates mostly to Iran...Iranians are not arab, they speak Farsi and arabic(as it relates to the Quran) however there are Jewish Iranians.

    Arab is a person of arab decent who speaks arab.

    Middle East is where most arabs come from. Countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai,Syria and Israel are some parts of the middle east.

    Muslim can be of any race, it doesnt pertain to a specific race, Muslim is a person that follows Islam and not a race. Arabs can be Muslims, Christians or even Jews.

    Muslims can be Arab, African, Indian, Chinese, American, Puerto Rican, p**i, Turkish....e.t.c

  3. Arabian or Arab is a race. They are found in countries such as Saudi Arabia. UAE, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and many more. They usually carry the image of living in the tents in desert with camels and all, but ofcourse this belongs to the olden ages.

    Middle East is a region in Asia which has many of the Arabian and non Arabian countries in it. Such as Iran.

    Persians are the original tribe that lived in Iran. Iran was previously called Persia because of them but later on when several different ethnic groups such as Arabs, Turks Kurds and many more migrated to  Persia they changed the name to Iran.

    Muslim is a religion which is the major religion of several Asian countries and has followers in every part of the world

  4. Arab is a race. arabs are located in a lot of different countries such as Iraq, EGYPT, Dubai & lots more.

    Persian is also a race but very different to arabic and they are Iranians. most are from iran.

    Muslim is a religion. a lot of persians & arabs are muslims. but theres also some indians,turks, and lots of others.

  5. Muslim: the followers of the religion of Islam are Muslims. They are people of countries, different races, speaking different languages.

    Middle Eastern: The Middle East is a region that stretches from Iran in western Asia to Egypt in eastern Africa. & From Turkey in the north to Yemen in the south. Some people include more countries that are located farther to the east or west. Anyways, people from the Middle East are also of several races, believe in different religions & speak different languages.

    Arabs: are people who supposedly from Arabia & speak Arabic, but they had spread through the middle east & the whole world since the 7th century. So today Arabs are the citizens of Arabic countries & speak Arabic language.

    Persians: are the people of Iran for the most part. Some people in Arabic or other countries can trace their ancestors to their Persian forefathers who migrated to the countries they now live in. So, the identify themselves as Persians.

    Check out this short video to know more the difference between Arabs & Persians:

  6. Middle east : is a part of Asia contains some countries,like Iran,Iraq,United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia,Syria,Oman,Qatar,Kuwait ... theye are located in the south of Asia...mostly near Persian Gulf.

    Persian : Iranians called the other name for Iran is Persia...and their language called Farsi or Persian language...Iranians are NOT arabs!

    Arab is a race...people lived mostly in middle east country i mentioned above are arabs and speak Arabic, ( The Quran's language)

    Musilm : people with Islam religion are called Muslim...

    The first religion of ARab countries and also Iran is they called as Muslims.

  7. Arabian is people from Arabic country with Arabic culture and language like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc.

    Middle Eastern is the whole area that has many countries and most of the countries have Arabic culture and Iran is in it too. Most people are Muslim, which is a religion.

    Persians are people from Iran

  8. Arabian ( Arab ) is an ethnicity..

    ( They are people from Iraq , Kuwait , Bahrain , Egypt , Qatar , Syria, Lebanon , UAE , Saudi Arabia  , Morocco ..etc )

    Their religions some are Muslim , Christian..and even Jewish

    Persian ( Iranian ) is also an ethnicity

    ( They are people originally from Iran )

    They are mainly all Muslim..though some of are different religions .

    The Middle East refers to all the Arab countries as well as Iran and Afghanistan .

    A Muslim is a called who is from the religion ISLAM .

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