
Difference between the Army and Marine Corps?

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What is the difference between the Marine Corps and the Army? I'm thinking about joining the US armed forces, but don't know the difference between the Army and the MC. (I'm in high school, so I have plenty of time to think it over)




  1. Even though both are primarily infantry military organizations there is a difference.

    The Army has more personnel and therefore more military bases in the U.S. and across the world.  

    The Marine Corps is responsible for providing force projection from the sea using the mobility of the U.S. Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces.  They often work closely with U.S. Naval forces for training, transportation, and logistic purposes.

    The Marine Corps is considered to have the most difficult basic training.

    No matter which branch of the armed forces you join you should consider which MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) will prepare you best for a civilian career when your military career is over.

  2. that is a loaded question, but the main difference is in the mentality

    the Marine corps is extremely aggressive in everything thats done, extremely proud and considers itself the best fighting force on earth, in the marine corps hymn it ends by saying

    "if the army and the navy gaze up at heavens scene

    they would see the streets of heaven are guarded by United Stated Marines"

    the Army is a very capable force but it is huge and slow, they generally are not as aggresive as Marine units, but that is just the regular infantry im talking about, the Army has more combat specalties than the marines, they have the Rangers which is light infantry and very elite, and they also have special forces (green berets) that are chosen from the best of the Rangers who are the best of the infantry, the Army also has a wide range of non combat mos's  

    email me if you have more questions

  3. I got nothing much else to say. But I would like to add the the Marine Corps mission is different from the Army. The Marine Corps according to their Act is Trained, Organised, and Equipped for offensive amphibious employment and as a "Force in Readiness." The USMC and the USN combine is one the the world biggest maritime force. The Marines can become pilots and fly almost anything they can. But most of the time, they just stick to the ones more quilified for their missions. The Army too do pilots planes but I believe they're cargo planes.

    The USMC Core Values are Honour, Courage, and Commitment.

    The Army Core Values are Honour, Duty, and Commitment.

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