What is this classified as, when you have these type of episodes over 5 years
This is how my usual year looks like, for 4 years.
This year:
slightly mixed mania-slightly mixed depression-completely mixed mania and depression-mania and depression changing by the hour or day. One second i have all the symptoms of mania, 3 hours later i am feeling the symptoms of a major depressive episode.
My mania and depression used to last many months, but now fluctuate by the hour, means i am basically going through mania and depression at the same time, but I don't have MIXED symptoms as in feeling mania with depressive symptoms or a depressive episode with manic symptoms. That used to happen, but now its like when I am manic for that 3 hours, its ONLY manic symptoms.
This is type 2 bipolar right?
Whats more serious 1 or 2?