
Difference between type 1 and type 2 bipolar?

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What is this classified as, when you have these type of episodes over 5 years


This is how my usual year looks like, for 4 years.

This year:

slightly mixed mania-slightly mixed depression-completely mixed mania and depression-mania and depression changing by the hour or day. One second i have all the symptoms of mania, 3 hours later i am feeling the symptoms of a major depressive episode.

My mania and depression used to last many months, but now fluctuate by the hour, means i am basically going through mania and depression at the same time, but I don't have MIXED symptoms as in feeling mania with depressive symptoms or a depressive episode with manic symptoms. That used to happen, but now its like when I am manic for that 3 hours, its ONLY manic symptoms.

This is type 2 bipolar right?

Whats more serious 1 or 2?




  1. Typically, Bipolar II is characterized by hypomanic episodes. That is, episodes that are slightly manic, falling short of a full-blown manic episode, with shorter duration and limited social or occupational impairment.The criteria also state that there has never been a mixed episode.

    Sounds to me like you're cycling has increased. And you are having mixed episodes.

    Putting you in the Bipolar I camp.

    More serious? I would say most consider I to be more serious. But they're both pretty serious for someone living with either one. I would never presume to tell someone who is bipolar "It's not serious."

    Wondering why you're waiting until September to get yourself some medication?

  2. bpdou is mostly right, but BPII is a lot more severe.  rather than just the up and down swings there are hallucinations (aural and visual) as well as incredibly harmful self behavior, like spending waaay to much, lots of crazy irresponsible s*x with many partners and so on.

    sounds like you're a rapid cycler.  That means your manic/depressed states can last less than a week and even fluctuate repeatedly in the day.  that can be a symptom of I or II.

    I would also rate you as a bipoar I, but note that getting on and off medication can make it worse.  the meds balance your brain adn when you get off them, they over correct causing your bipolarness to get even worse.  this is a typical problem with people that are bipolar.  they miss those happy manic swings.

  3. type one - more manic but bouts of deprssion

    type 2 - more depressive

    type 2 is more dangerous due to the increase in suicide


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